Memorial Day 2021

On hand at the Webster Court of Honor for the placing of the Merchant Marine memorial were (l to r) Alfred Beland, Mike Esposito, George Bibeau and Ron Prest.
A newly installed monument dedicated to the Merchant Marines was part of the solemn Memorial Day exercises at the Webster Court of Honor.
The monument is flanked by statues depicting the Army and Marines with an anchor placed in the center to complete the scene.
The center stone’s inscription reads: “Dedicated to those men who gallantly sailed the seas, the unsung heroes of World War II undaunted by the severe losses and unimaginable terror inflicted by air and sea attacks, the convoys fulfilled their mission delivering its cargo of men, munitions and supplies that were essential to achieving ultimate victory.”

Victor Jankowski and James Brinker with plaque.
The saluting Marine’s inscription reads: The Merchant Marine played a critical role in every Amphibious Operation in the Pacific Theatre from Guadalcanal to Iwo Jima. Their courage, bravery and dedication to the mission guaranteed our success.” - USMC
The saluting Army soldier’s inscription reads: “The United States Maritime Service provided the greatest sealift in history between the production Army at home and our fighting forces in Europe. This supply line was crucial to our victory in World War II.” -- US ARMY
The addition of a Merchant Marine ship will be placed atop the center monument at a future date.

Veterans Council Commander Victor Jankowski presents the Certificate of Appreciation for veteran James Brinker as Webster Selectmen Earl Gabor and Randy Becker look on.
Memorial Day 2021 was again a solemn occasion with local veterans visiting all cemeteries in Webster and Dudley. The traditional parade was canceled due to COVID; however, veterans and local officials gathered at the Webster Court of Honor to place wreaths on the memorials.
Veteran James P. Brinker was honored for his service for many years to the local veterans. Veterans Council Commander Victor Jankow-ski presented Brinker with a plaque of appreciation for his service. The inscription read:
“On behalf of the Webster-Dudley Veterans Council we wish to express our sincere appreciation and full praise for your many years of dedication to the Webster and Dudley veterans. You have been sincere throughout the years, coordinating the Memorial Day observance, placing of wreaths at each cemetery, organizing the parade and coordinating the ceremony at the Court of Honor. Yours is a dedication to veterans and is greatly appreciated. We, as members of the Webster-Dudley Veterans Council, salute you as you continue to serve our many veterans.
“We, as veterans, encourage you to continue your dedication for years to come as an outstanding veteran.
“Given this 31st day of May, in the year of Our Lord, Two Thousand Twenty One.”