Special gift for Grafton High graduates

Pictured (l to r) Carrie, Melissa and Michael A. Labbe
Grafton High School graduates were surprised on June 2 with a special gift. All 187 graduates were presented with a custom designed card and a $100 TD Bank debit card by Michael A. Labbe, president of All Phase Glass & Maintenance Corp., and Germ Away USA. They also received American flags and Mr. Labbe remarked, “it was great to see them all walking around waving these flags.”
Mr. Labbe continued, “This comes from my family and staffs’ hearts and souls for these kids who, over the last year and a half, have missed out on so many events thanks to COVID-19. But they all adjusted and adapted to the crazy times and made the best of it. We are so proud of each and every one of them. As you read the card, it does come with a challenge. We are asking you to be creative and use part of the money to pay-it-forward to someone else. Just maybe we can start a good trend here and touch hundreds of people with a kind act.