Uxbridge Senior Center news
Aug 10, 2021 01:06PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
The Senior Center was proud to help Alice and Frank Susskey celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary
UXBRIDGE - The Uxbridge Senior Center, 36 South Main St., has listed the August calendar.
Director’s news
The Senior Center continues to slowly open our programs.
Last month we opened our Nutrition Congregate Lunch Program on Mondays. Now we are excited to announce the opening of the Congregate Lunch on Wednesdays as well, starting August 4. Please RSVP 48-72 hours ahead to reserve your seat. Transportation will be available to the Center. The home delivered meals program will be discontinued on September 2, in order to fully re-open the Congregate Lunch Program five days a week effective on September 13. Please plan on attending our Grand Re-opening Luncheon on Friday, September 17, for a BBQ sponsored by State Rep. Mike Soter. Also, please note, our last Friday Fish Curbside event will take place on August 20th. Please mark all these updates on your calendars.
The Senior Center was proud to help Alice and Frank Susskey celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary along with State Rep. Mike Soter and Senator Ryan Fattman on June 30, at their home in Uxbridge. Both Rep. Soter and Sen. Fattman presented official citations of congratulations along with the Uxbridge BOS and Governor Baker citations, to the happy couple. We congratulate Alice and Frank and wish them many more years of happiness together.
There are a lot of exciting things happening this month. Be sure to check out the activities calendar for more info and consider participating in our events. We are sure you will have fun. The medical transportation program is up and running. If you need transportation for a medical ride, please be sure to call Donna asap.
Stay well.
Lisa Bernard, director
Save The Date. The Uxbridge Elderly Connection will hold its 15th Annual Uxbridge Senior Center Golf Outing on Monday, October 18. This will be held at the Whitinsville Golf Club starting at 12 noon, Shotgun start, 9 holes with a Fee of $100. Contact Russ Rosborough 508-579-5983 or Karen Beane 508-769-3816. Line up your foursome.
Bloomin’ 4 Good Program – For the month of August, the Uxbridge Senior Center has been selected to receive $1 donation for every $11.99 Bloomin’ 4 Good Bouquet with the red circle sticker sold at Hannaford’s 158 N. Main Street location.
Friday, August 13, 1:00 pm – Facebook Live Family Feud. Tune in to the Uxbridge Senior Center Facebook page for some fun. Prize given to first place participant.
Tuesday, August 17, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm - SHINE Representative Pat Nectow by appointment only. Call 508-278-8622 to schedule.
Friday, August 20, 12:00 pm - Baked Fish curbside pickup - RSVP is required. Please Call 508-278-8622 to reserve your meal.
Friday, August 20, 1:00 pm – Live Facebook Pictionary with Sally & Gail. Tune in to the Uxbridge Senior Center Facebook page. Prize given to first place participant.
Monday, August 23, 10 am – 2 pm, Pout Pond Outing w/hot dogs on the grill and bingo. Transportation is available. Please call ahead to reserve your lunch. Folks are welcome to meet at Pout Pond as well. There will not be a lunch served at the center on this day.
Friday, August 27, 1:00 pm – Facebook Live Family Feud. Tune in to the Uxbridge Senior Center Facebook page for some fun.Prize given to first place participant.
The Milford Senior Center is holding a Bridge Club Tuesdays 12:30 pm. Call 508-473-8334 to pre-register. They are located at 60 N. Bow Street in Milford.
Uxbridge Senior Center On The Move - Videos will be posted every Monday at 10:00 am. Get ready to join Sally and Gail on virtual trips in and around Uxbridge.
Card Games will be played during our Monday Congregate lunches and bingo will be on Wednesdays.
Chair Exercises with Sally on Mondays before lunch.
Hannaford grocery shopping every Tuesday. Pick up begins at 8:30 a.m. Please sign up in advance by calling us at 508-278-8622 to reserve your seat on the van. Masks are required and seating is limited.
Appointments are now available on the third Tuesday of the month from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm with our SHINE Representative Pat Nectow. Call 508-278-8622 to schedule.
Knitting Club every Tuesday 1:30 pm – Space is limited and must continue to maintain social distancing. Please RSVP 508-278-8622.
Every Wednesday 9 a.m. weather permitting – MCOA Walk Massachusetts Challenge continues - Program runs until Sept. 30 and is incorporated with Sally’s Walking Club. Meet at the Blackstone Valley Greenway on Adams St., S. Uxbridge. To sign up call 508-278-8622 or go to www.mcoaonline.com/walkma
The Uxbridge Senior Center Donation Funds are used to pay for services, programs, and activities for Uxbridge older adults and are not considered part of the Town’s operating budget for the Center. Anyone wishing to donate may do so by making checks payable to the “Uxbridge Senior Center.” Donations may also be made in honor of, in memory of, or in appreciation of. Contributions are greatly appreciated. Our seniors Thank You!
Feel free to contact us at 508-278-8622 or visit us on our web page at Uxbridge-ma.gov/coa or like us on our FB page or by googling Uxbridge Senior Center and our new YouTube Channel or even dropping by.