Labor Day doesn’t mark end of summer in Grafton

The Quite Fetching Barkery & Pet Boutique Dogs. (Courtesy of Quite Fetching’s Facebook Page)
Station Two in North Grafton – will hold its Stephen H. Roney Memorial Cornhole Tournament at Houlden Farm in North Grafton. The event will raise funds for the Stephen H. Roney Memorial Scholarship. The registration fee is $25 per player or $50 per team. For more information, you can visit the nonprofit’s website,
The Grafton Public Library is helping Grafton residents to get outdoors and explore the beauty of nature. It recently joined the Mass. Audubon’s Library Partners program. Library card holders may now request passes that will allow them to visit Mass. Audubon Society wildlife sanctuaries for the discounted rate of $2 per person (for up to four people). For more information about the more than 50 Mass. Audubon wildlife sanctuaries, you can visit the nonprofit’s website,
Local organizations will also provide opportunities to people who are looking to express themselves creatively. Apple Tree Arts, the non-profit performing arts school on the Grafton Common, the Blackstone Valley Art Association, the Worcester County Camera Club and the Shakespeare Club of Grafton are collectively calling for entries for the 2021 Small Stones Festival of the Arts. Submissions of fine art paintings and photography will be accepted until the night that the 500th entry is received. For more information, visit the festival’s website,
It’s clear that the season isn’t over just yet. Whether it’s by creating art, making memories with furry friends, or enjoying some outdoor fun, the joys of summer can still be found in September.
Contact Christine with your business news items at [email protected] Christine Galeone
Kids are heading back to school next week. Labor Day is on the horizon. But that doesn’t mean that people in the Blackstone Valley have to stop enjoying warm breezes and the accompanying colorful sights and inviting sounds of summer.
People can continue to visit the places that many have frequented this season, like the Grafton Flea Market, the Grafton Farmers Market, and Swirls and Scoops. And in Grafton in September, there will also be fun events and activities to enjoy.
One new event for beloved canine companions is Quite Fetching’s first annual Pancake Breakfast. The barkery and pet boutique, located at One Grafton Common, will offer dogs a free buffet of dog-friendly pancakes and toppings, while their humans can enjoy complimentary coffee. To celebrate Labor Day weekend, Quite Fetching will hold the event from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 5.
In North Grafton, an event that the barkery is helping to sponsor is returning to an in-person format this year. Presented by T -Mobile, the 23rd Annual Pet Rock Fest will be held Sunday, Sept. 12 from noon until 5 p.m. at Wyman-Gordon. The non-profit festival that encourages kindness to animals and responsible pet ownership and raises much-needed funds for animal welfare nonprofits throughout New England will feature live music by award-winning country singer Billy Gilman and others, guest speakers, vendors, animal nonprofits/welfare organizations, vegetarian food, games, a shelter pet parade, pet contests and activities. Grafton sponsors include Quite Fetching and Gibson’s Natural Pet. For ticket information, a coupon and more, visit
On Saturday, September 25, Engine Company No. 2 of Grafton, Inc. – a nonprofit run by firefighters from Grafton Fire Department