A leader of Women’s Suffrage, Lucy Stone, transports Audiences back in time

Judith Kalaora as Lucy Stone in I Now Pronounce You Lucy StoneTM, one of many historic figures featured in the company’s repertoire. Photo ©Chris Cavalier Photography
GRAFTON - History At PlayTM, LLC (HAP, LLC) has garnered nationwide applause for their one-woman living history performances, chronicling the lives of legendary women who changed society. The fiery performance I Now Pronounce You Lucy StoneTM has received accolades from journalists, actors, and historians alike and was featured on the WGBH Forum, a series of lectures and performances selected by WGBH to be streamed online.
Now, HAP, LLC brings Lucy Stone’s incredible story live and in-person to the Apple Tree Arts, 1 Grafton Common, Grafton, on Sunday November 7, at 2:00 p.m. This one-time-only event is free and open to the public, and is generously sponsored by the Grafton Historical Society in partnership with the Grafton-Shrewsbury LWV. I Now Pronounce You Lucy StoneTM is approximately 60 minutes, followed by real-time audience Q&A. Suitable for all ages. For more information, visit http://graftonhistoricalsociety.org/, email [email protected] or call 508-839-0000.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Grafton Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. www.massculturalcouncil.org.
In this presentation of I Now Pronounce You Lucy StoneTM, History At PlayTM, LLC Founder and Artistic Director Judith Kalaora is Lucy Stone: the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree, a fierce abolitionist, and women’s rights activist. Challenging discrimination is not easy, but Lucy Stone is never one to take the easy road. Even Susan B. Anthony credited Lucy Stone for her involvement in the tumultuous women’s rights movement. The fight for suffrage is ferocious, so come along for the ride.
HAP, LLC was founded in 2010 by Artistic Director Judith Kalaora in order to create immersive living history experiences and to chronicle the lives of influential and often forgotten women. Kalaora is a professional educator, award-winning playwright, and living historian. She graduated Magna cum Laude from Syracuse University and completed the Globe Education Program at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre of London, England.
Josh Lederman, NBC News Political Correspondent, attests: “History At Play connects the dots between the characters that made up our past and the events they shaped that still influence our lives.” Jordan Rich, of CBS WBZ Radio, states that Judith Kalaora, the Founder and Artistic Director of History At Play, LLC, is “a one-woman force of nature and inhabits these women…it takes people like her to bring these stories to life…these lost pieces of history.”
History At PlayTM, LLC (HAP, LLC) has garnered international applause for their solo and ensemble Immersive Living History Experiences, chronicling the lives of influential and often forgotten figures. Since 2010, the HAP, LLC Troupe has brought the legacies of historical figures to life in museums, libraries, universities, historical societies, senior living communities, and schools across the United States. History At PlayTM, LLC is now available for booking both LIVESTREAM events as well as in-person live theatrical performances. Visit HistoryAtPlay.com to learn more and email [email protected], or call +1.617.752.2859 for booking inquiries.