Bald Eagle presentation
Oct 19, 2021 01:23PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
On Tuesday, November 2, at 7 pm, the Sutton Historical Society will host Bill Reid, Chief Ranger of The Last Green Valley, for a presentation entitled, “The Return of the Bald Eagle.” The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor covering 35 towns in Eastern Connecticut and South-Central Massachusetts with a rich history in a surprisingly rural landscape. With 84% forest and farm, The Last Green Valley is the last swath of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington DC. Information on this National Heritage Corridor can be found at
Chief Ranger Reid’s presentation will showcase how our country’s majestic national bird (Haliaeetus leucocephalus as it is named scientifically) is benefitting from enhanced protection and innovative efforts to boost its wild population in Southern New England. He will speak about bald eagles and the work to increase their ecological success within our region. With bald eagle sightings throughout Sutton, this presentation should prove quite interesting to our citizens.
This free event is open to all members and the general public of all ages. The Sutton Historical Society, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization. We are always seeking new members and gladly accept donations. Membership forms and information about our organization and programs can be found at our website