Sutton Chain of Lights – Back for a Merry 2021
Dec 01, 2021 03:46PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Illuminating the Sutton Town Common.
By Amy LeClaire
The Sutton Chain of Lights – 2021- may be in a “transition” year, but the spark for bringing families together continues to shine as bright as the lights about to adorn the town’s rooftops. This year, perhaps more than ever, the need for personal interaction, socialization, and a break from technology, lies at a peak.
“We need to get back to doing what we love doing in person,” admitted Chain of Lights Committee President, Janet Gerard. “Everyone is excited and has such interesting events planned, though we are still looking for volunteers in certain areas.”
The Sutton Chain of Lights Committee is currently seeking volunteers to assist on Trolley rides in the following ways: to offer drivers directions pertaining to routes; to offer trolley riders a scripted lesson pertaining to the town’s rich history; to sing Christmas carols! This year, the number of trolleys on the road has been reduced, along with the number of routes (there will only be two). Furthermore, due to state regulations, masking will be mandated on the trolleys. “I understand that this has been an emotive issue for the town, but we are airing on the side of caution and following’s the state’s guidelines. We will have sanitizing stations and extra masks handy for those in need,” said Gerard.
Incidentally, for safety reasons pertaining to COVID, the Sutton Senior Center will not participate in the Chain of Lights this year, and the churches and businesses involved will utilize food trucks for the public in lieu of traditional meals served in large groups.
Along with trolley volunteers, The Chain of Lights committee is seeking vendors (holiday crafts and small-business related products) to set up and sell items at Posies and Presents, the tasteful florist located in the barn section of the Blackstone National Golf Course.
Interested volunteers for either of the above may contact the committee at [email protected] or [email protected]
The Chain of Lights has a few festive activities planned for the joyful shopper and competitor at heart.
•Scavenger Hunt - “Do You See What I See?” Stamp your “grid” card at the sites in which you visit (all sites will have cards available). Five stamps will earn a shopper a chance to enter a drawing for special gift items from area businesses.
•Post a Selfie – Post a picture at #suttonlights2021 to enter a drawing for small prizes and be one of FIVE winners chosen!
•Annual Light Up Sutton contest – Decorate your home! Register it for a $5.00 fee, the proceeds or which will fund the Sutton Food Pantry. Register to enter between Dec. 1 – 7 by emailing your home address to [email protected] Public voting will take place Dec. 10 – 18. Winners will be announced on Dec. 20 and will earn one of several prizes! For more information, go to
“It’s all about family and highlighting our area businesses,” said Chain of Lights Committee Vice President Marnie Havalotti, who still manages to smile despite rolling her sleeves up for the fourth year on the job. “Serving is rewarding and great for the community. The Chain of Lights keeps with the small town feel and helps to support local businesses, which are especially important this year since so many people had to close last year. The excitement and fun that the kids bring just adds to an overall great event.”
The Sutton High School band, equally as joyous, will offer a holiday concert per usual on the Sutton Common at the day’s end to welcome Santa’s 5 PM entrance. Whether visiting the quaint and historical Manchaug Mills (home of the original Fruit of the Loom) to browse the work of talented artists, creating an ornament (and taking a picture with a “surprise guest”) at the Sutton Police Department, or joining the Disney crew at Al’s Rubbish and Container Service, the Sutton Chain of Lights has something merry for you!
Find them on Instagram @SuttonLIghts and FB @SuttonChainofLights