Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park seeks public input for general management plan

PAWTUCKET, RI – The National Park Service (NPS) is seeking public input to guide the development of a general management plan for Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park (“the park”). The plan is in the early stages of development, and the National Park Service is seeking feedback from the public and local community members to help identify key issues, opportunities, and potential management strategies.
Beginning now through February 15, the public is invited to participate in the planning process. The information gathered in this planning process will inform decision-making and priority setting for public investments over the next decade.
Those interested in hearing more about the process may join one or more virtual public meetings, which will include an opportunity to ask questions and make preliminary comments. The links to those virtual public meetings will go live on the General Management Plan’s official Planning, Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) webpage on January 3, as well as on the park’s website and social media accounts.
Parkplanning - Blackstone River Valley NHP General Management Plan (
The meeting will be held: Thursday, January 20, at 8:00 p.m.
Those who cannot attend a public meeting may learn more about this process and enter comments/questions at:
Parkplanning - Blackstone River Valley NHP General Management Plan ( The public commentary period will last until February 15.
The Park’s General Management Plan will:
• Identify management zones and desired conditions for natural and cultural resources, visitor experiences, and opportunities, and facilities or services;
• Indicate types and intensities of development (including visitor circulation and transportation patterns, systems, and modes) associated with public enjoyment and use of the area;
• Ensure that the park has a clear vision and direction for visitor use, access, and experience; and
• Consider ways to use preexisting or planned visitor facilities and recreational opportunities developed in the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor.
Blackstone River Valley National Historical Park owns and operates the three historic buildings of Old Slater Mill National Historic Landmark, including the 1793 Old Slater Mill, the 1810 Wilkinson Mill, and the 1758 Sylvanus Brown House along with about three acres of land. In addition, the Park has a conservation easement on 85-acres of the Blackstone River State Park in Lincoln, Rhode Island. The Park boundary also includes four local historic districts within four unique mill villages in the Blackstone River Valley: The Ashton Historic District in Cumberland, Rhode Island, the Slatersville Historic District in North Smithfield, Rhode Island, the Whitinsville Historic District in Northbridge, and the Hopedale Historic District in Hopedale.