Shine Your Light Chalk Festival is May 12

Student artists at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School (BVT) will get creative for a cause by sharing their personal stories through their artwork to help raise awareness of mental health and support teen suicide prevention.
Art Heals: Shine Your Light Chalk Festival on Thursday, May 12, is all about the healing power of art. The school campus at 65 Pleasant St. in Upton will come alive with color, creativity and meaning as student artists create unique sidewalk chalk murals that reflect their mental health stories on the theme of light and how “art heals.” In collaboration with the School Based Health Center, they will showcase art as a positive way of expressing emotions, diminishing negative feelings and thoughts.
Later that evening, the community is welcome to attend an evening chalk walk from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to view the completed masterpieces. The event is free and open to the public.
This event is possible in partnership with BVT’s Visual Arts Department and School Based Health Center and supported by grants from Grafton, Mendon, Milford and Millville cultural councils (Mass. Cultural Council’s Local Cultural Councils Program).
Chalk work like this will be on display at Blackstone Valley Tech on May 12.