Waters Farm Days ties in with Manchaug Pond cleanup

Guy Powell, “call me dad,” works the Ye Olde Kettle Cooker at Waters Farm Days.
Rae Johnson and his wife Janet were no less a part of Waters Farm Days than all of the rest of the principals involved in the 47th annual event in the town of Sutton on October 15th—even if it didn’t look that way.

Above, Rae Johnson and his wife Janet work an informational table for the Manchaug Pond Foundation at Waters Farm Days.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson could be found sitting in chairs a short walk from the main field, next to informational kiosks situated near Dorothea Waters’ historic farmhouse and in a spot overlooking picturesque Manchaug Pond.
They were there representing the Manchaug Pond Foundation, and Mr. Johnson was eager to talk about an ambitious project that has been undertaken in collaboration with the Massachusetts DEP to improve the water quality of the pond.
Extensive work has been done, he said, to stem the flow of phosphates, nitrates and other contaminants into the pond. This includes “two large catch basins, which act as a filter.” Other measures have been taken too, all with the purpose of keeping Manchaug Pond pristine for boating, fishing, swimming, and similar recreational activities.
The Manchaug Pond Foundation has made good use of $300,000 targeted for this particular initiative, and several more.