Coffee Break women’s group begins winter/spring Bible study

Coffee Break, a non-denominational community Bible study for women, began its winter/spring season on January 5th with a study of 1st and 2nd Timothy—“Love and Loyalty.”
Together, no matter where each of us is in journey, the group will be looking for the themes of truth, loyalty and endurance in difficulty, legacy and more—and how these themes touch our lives today.
The study will be in small groups at Fairlawn Church, 305 Goldthwaite Road (off Hill St.) in Whitinsville. Coffee Break offers groups for those who feel more comfortable wearing masks, and those who prefer not to wear masks. All of the study groups are physically distanced in spacious rooms. Refreshments are provided and child care is available for infants through pre-school age.
Coffee Break is free and open to anyone in the community and is held each Thursday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at Fairlawn Church. Coffee Break offers women in the Blackstone Valley the opportunity to read and discuss the Bible, share questions and concerns, and develop new friendships.
Each lesson is independent, so those who are unable to attend every week won’t feel “lost.” There is no “homework” required, and no previous Bible knowledge is necessary. Study guides and Bibles are provided free of charge.
For more information call Ginette at 508-234-4806 or visit