Plummer Place hosts Senior SAFE fire safety program

Firefighter/Paramedic Arthur Fenno visited the Northbridge Senior Center at Plummer Place to talk about the Senior SAFE Fire Safety Lunch and Learn program.
Seniors and older adults recently joined Firefighter/Paramedic Arthur Fenno, who is also public education coordinator for the Northbridge Fire Department, for a Senior SAFE Fire Safety Lunch and Learn program at the Northridge Senior Center—Plummer Place.
Senior SAFE provides funding to local fire departments to improve fire and life safety of older adults through education that addresses the unique fire risks of this age group.
Firefighter Fenno discussed safety using home and medical oxygen equipment, preventing cooking fires, using and maintaining fire and carbon monoxide alarms, the fire risks of smoking, and how to create a fire escape plan.
Seniors participated in the discussion by asking questions about how to monitor the extinguishers in their homes, property cleaning dryers and vents, and cooking safety.
The Northbridge Fire Department has been participating in this program since 2014 when the Senior SAFE grant program was initially created to address fire safety for older adults.
For more information about the NFD’s public education programs, call Arthur Fenno at 508-234-8448.
For more information about Plummer Place and its special events, call Amy Cowen at 508-234-2002.