Author Elena Palladino will discuss her book “Lost Towns of the Swift River Valley” in an appearance at the Auburn Historical Society & Museum at 6:30 p.m. on May 18th.
NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
• “Through an Artist’s Eyes—Paintings & Carvings” by Wayne Yacino will be on display and available for purchase at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 72 E. Main St., Webster, during regular business hours, Tuesday-Saturday 10-5 and Wednesday 10-6. The store will be closed for vacation April 10-13. Mr. Yacino is a native of Oxford, Massachusetts of Metis (French-Abenaki), Italian and Polish descent who began painting at the age of five. He is self-taught. He has exhibited his Native American imagery in Europe and the U.S. and has taught the Ancient American Skills the first weekend of October at Waters Farm Days in Sutton since 1996.
• The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce will host a Business After Hours with affiliate chambers from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Southwick’s Zoo, 2 Southwick St., Mendon. This networking event will be co-hosted by the Chambers of Commerce in Auburn, Central Mass South, Worcester Regional and Webster Dudley Oxford.
• A Selectmen’s Candidates Forum will be held from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the Gladys E. Kelly Library, 2 Lake St., Webster. This is a chance for residents to meet the candidates and discuss with them topics that are important to voters in the town of Webster. Election Day is Tuesday, May 2 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. webstermassdems.org.
• Hot Polish Dinners will be sold at St. Andrew Bobola Church, 54 W Main St in Dudley, MA. Dinners will be available from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m. in the church hall. $18 price includes 2 pierogi (one cheese, one cabbage), kapusta/bigos, kielbasa, and one gołąbek (stuffed cabbage). Looking forward to seeing you there!!
• The Uxbridge PSG 2023 is hosting a Spring Vendor Fair from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Uxbridge High School, 300 Quaker Highway. More than thirty local vendors will be on hand with unique gifts. Raffle items will be available. PSG-raised funds go towards the Uxbridge High School Class of 2023 graduation event to help students celebrate in a safe, alcohol and drug-free environment. Contact Uxbridge PSG FMI: [email protected] or on Facebook @UxbridgePSG2023-Parents for a Safe Graduation.
■The Uxbridge Historic District Commission is hosting a Spring House Tour from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. with magnificent architecture available for viewing including homes open to the public at 236 Mendon St., 115 South Main St., 46 Capron St. and 35 Capron St.
• Music for seniors by Howie Newman will be presented at The Residences at AdviniaCare, Northbridge, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. Howie Newman brings music and laughter through his original songs. This program is sponsored in part by a grant from the Northbridge Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
• The Uxbridge Senior Center is presenting an eight-week session of Zumba Gold classes for elders, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at the Uxbridge Senior Center Satellite Site at the McCloskey Building, 62 Capron St. Amy Smith, a licensed Zumba Gold instructor, will lead the exercise. The suggested donation for this eight-week class is $25. Checks may be made payable to the Uxbridge Senior Center. Call 508-278-8622 for more details.
• St. Peter’s Parish, 39 Church Ave., Northbridge, will host a Trivia Night at the Knights of Columbus, 77 Prescott Road, Whitinsville. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. The trivia game starts at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 per person and can be purchased in advance or at the door There will be a cash bar, food for purchase and a 50/50 raffle. To buy tickets or for more info call 508-234-2156 or email [email protected].
• bankHometown invites customers and members of the community to three free Shred Days at local offices. Events will be held on the following dates and at the following locations. No appointment is necessary. 9:00-11:00 a.m., Auburn office, 569 Southbridge St. Local residents can reduce their risk of identity theft by bringing old mail, receipts, statements or bills, cancelled checks, pay stubs, medical records, or any other unwanted paper documents containing personal or confidential information and shredding them safely and securely for free. A professional document destruction company will be on site in the bank’s parking lot and can accept up to two boxes of documents per person.
• Open Sky Community Services is co-hosting the 8th annual Family Fun Fishing Day at River Bend Farm in Uxbridge, in coordination with the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Volunteers-in-Parks program, the Blackstone River Watershed Association, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife. This year’s event will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with a rain date of May 7th. Pre-registration is required. Contact Lori Girard at 508-234-6232 or [email protected].
• The Millbury First Congregational Church, 148 West Main St., is sponsoring a Flea Market from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. To reserve table space, call Jeri Stead at 508-865-5371. “The Kitchen” will be selling coffee and muffins, and hot dogs at lunchtime. There will also be a bakery table.
• Whitin Community Center hosts its 100th Anniversary Gala, a black-tie fundraiser featuring cocktails, dinner, dancing, a live auction, a commemorative photo gallery and more, 5:00 p.m., 60 Main St., Whitinsville. Visit www.WhitinCommunityCenter.com for more information.
• A Scottish Highland Game featuring nine events of strength and agility will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 4 Dresser Hill Road, Charlton. Robert Sims, athletic director for the day, says “guys and gals in kilts will be throwing stupid heavy things:” stones, weights, hammers and the most recognized one of them all, the caber toss, AKA the “tree throw.” Athletes from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York and even one from Canada will take part—from a teacher to active-duty Navy. For more information email [email protected].
• Booklovers’ Gourmet, 72 E. Main St., Webster, is hosting a book release and signing event for Loralee Dubeau’s new memoir “Language of the Sacred” from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Signed copies will be available for purchase. For more information call 508-949-6232 or email [email protected].
• The Charlton Helping Hand Society Inc. announces the schedule for our popular, annual Saturday Summer Yard Sales. All held at the Dodge Chapel, 81 Hammond Hill Road, Charlton from 8 am to noon. All monies raised will help fulfill the mission of Helping Hand - "Help us to Help Others."
• The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held at Pleasant Valley Country Club in Sutton to benefit the Chamber, the Blackstone Valley Education Foundation and the Blackstone Valley Hub. www.blackstonevalley.org/events.
• The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Carol Crossed, curator of the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum, with a talk, “Vintage Tweets: A Book of Suffrage Era Postcards,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.
• The Northbridge Historical Commission in partnership with the Northbridge Historical Society and will funding provided by a grant from the Northbridge Cultural Council hosts its popular Trolley Tours with three times offered: 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. Space is limited. The tours begin at the 1770 Fletcher House, 1 Main St., former home of James Fletcher and now the home of the Northbridge Historical Society. Northbridge Historian and Teacher Ken Warchol will serve as guide for this two-hour tour of Northbridge Center and the Historic District of Whitinsville. The tour will take participants back to 1772, when Northbridge received its town charter. Information will be provided about the vital role Northbridge played in the Industrial Revolution with establishment of the Whitin Machine Works as the most prominent textile machine shop in the world by the end of the 1920s. There is no charge for the tour. Registrations are required. Maps of the walking district are available for $5, and donations are accepted. To register and for more information contact Ken Warch at 508-680-3440 or email [email protected]. Leave complete contact info including full name, contact number and email and preferred time and the number of seats requested.
• The Northbridge Fire Department will host its annual Spaghetti Supper with dine-in and pick-up options available between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. at current NFD headquarters, 193 Main St., Whitinsville. Homemade meatballs, spaghetti, salad, bread and dessert will be served. All proceeds go towards the Northbridge fireworks display to be held on July 15th, organized by the NFD. Contact [email protected] for further info.
• Take a Hike for Hope & Wellness, sponsored by the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., Riverbend Farms DCR, 287 Oak St., Uxbridge. www.blackstonevalley.org.
• The Grass Roots Coffeehouse’s Spring Concert featuring the band Blackstone Valley Bluegrass will be held at the Rockdale Congregational Church, 42 Fowler Road, Northbridge. Admission is $15; $5 for students under 18. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. Proceeds benefit the Rockdale Congregational Church. The band is beginning its 26th season. Members include original guitarist Bob Dick, Mandolinist Tim St. Jean, Peter Tillotson on bass and Pete Fein on banjo. Go to www.rockdalechurchonline.org, email [email protected] or call 617-429-0347 for more information.
• The Upton VFW Post 5594 on Rt. 140 (15 Milford St.) in Upton will begin its summer series of flea markets at post headquarters on Route 140 in Upton. The events are held from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. the second Saturday of each month through October, weather permitting. Reservations are not required. Coffee and donuts are available during the morning, then hot dogs, chips, and cold drinks for lunch.
• “Social Security: Your Questions Answered,” featuring Dennis Antonopoulos, a financial advisor with Edward Jones, will be offered at the Brookdale Eddy Pond West, 669 Washington St., Auburn. Registration is at 5:45 p.m. and the seminar begins at 6:00 p.m. Such questions as “how does Social Security fit into my retirement income plan,” “when should I start taking benefits” and “what about taxes” will be addressed. Social Security will likely be the foundation of your retirement income. Before you retire, it’s important to understand your options and the effect your decisions will have on your retirement.
MAY 15-17
• Douglas’s Silver Club is sponsoring a three-day trip to Maine (Portland and Kennebunkport) that includes guided tours of both places, a tour of the Victoria Mansion, a visit to the Seashore Trolley Museum with a trolley ride, two nights lodging, two breakfasts and two dinners (one of them lobster) as well as some free time for shopping. Cost is $399 per person. Call Sue at 508-476-5820 for further details.
• The Auburn Historical Society & Museum will host Author Elena Palladino and the “Lost Towns of the Swift River Valley,” drowned by the Quabbin, at 6:30 p.m.. The program will be presented at the Auburn Sportsmen Club, 50 Elm St., Auburn. Contact [email protected] or call 508-832-6856.
• Yard Sale, 46 Glen Drive, Whitinsville, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Host family recently downsized. Ping pong table, weight machine, poker table, full-length standing mirror and many other household items.
• The Dudley Grange is participating in the Dudley Agricultural Commission’s second annual “Dudley Grows Together” Plant Hop from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The Grange will be offering a variety of vegetable, herbs and some “uncommon” house plants for sale. There will also be Strawberry Shortcake tickets available for sale for the Grange’s annual Strawberry Festival to be held on June 15th on Dudley Hill at 139 Center Road.
• Historian Ken Ethier will talk about early transportation in Worcester County in a special appearance at the Samuel Slater Experience, 31 Ray St., Webster, at 11:00 a.m. Mr. Ethier is the Auburn town historian, board member of the Auburn Historical Museum, member of the Auburn Historical Commission, board member and past president of the Auburn Historical Society, board member of Waters Farm in Sutton, the Straw Hollow Engine & Tractor Club, and a member of the Central Mass Gas & Steam Engine Club. He is also a volunteer at Samuel Slater Experience. www.samuelslaterexperience.org.
Sunday, May 21
• 6th Annual Food Truck Festival and Craft Fair to benefit the Millbury redevelopment Authority. 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., rain or shine at the Millbury High School, Martin Street, Millbury. $5, Children 12 and under free. Facebook: Millbury Food Truck Festival
MAY 27-28
• World War II Tank Demonstration Weekend takes place at the American Heritage Museum, 568 Main St., Hudson, featuring the M4 Sherman, the M24 Chaffee, the M5 Stuart, the M18 Hellcat, the M26 Pershing and the first-ever event for the AHM’s new M35 Jackson Tank Destroyer. Times are 9:00 a.m. on Saturday and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. www.americanheritagemuseum.org or call 978-562-9182 for further details.
• St. Peter’s Parish, 39 Church Ave., Northbridge, is hosting a Yard Sale and Vendor Fair from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Rain date is Saturday, June 10th. Volunteers will be available to pick up donated items. Vendors are welcome. Vendor tables may be secured for $40. Call 508-234-2156 or email [email protected] for more information.
• The Charlton Helping Hand Society Inc. announces the schedule for our popular, annual Saturday Summer Yard Sales. All held at the Dodge Chapel, 81 Hammond Hill Road, Charlton from 8 am to noon. All monies raised will help fulfill the mission of Helping Hand - "Help us to Help Others."
• The Sutton Preservationist 4H Club will host its second annual Coffee with Cows event on the Sutton Town Common. Last year the club reached out to other nonprofit organizations including the Lions Club, the Green Bean Project, the Congregational Church, the Historical Society and the Cultural Council to join in staging this event.
• Join the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Food, Beverage and Hospitality Network for a Business After Hours networking event hosted by Rushford & Sons Brewhouse, 8 Grove St., Upton, 5:30-7:30 p.m. www.blackstonevalley.org/events.
• The Millbury Women’s Club will host “Under the Tent,” a concert with singing sensation Dan the Singing Trooper and his wife Mary Colarusso a coloratura soprano performing. There will be a cash bar, raffles and an evening of “incredibly beautiful and inspirational” entertainment. Contact Jane Cheetham for tickets at [email protected]. Space is limited.
• Picnic in the Park, the Whitin Community Center’s popular event with food trucks, live entertainment, community vendors, a doll and pet parade, a dunk tank and more, returns to Whitin Park, 60 Main St., Whitinsville. Visit www.WhitinCommunityCenter.com for further details.
• St. Patrick’s Church’s Spring Recycling Event will take place at 7 East St., Whitinsville, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Profits will benefit upcoming YIA service projects. Please keep items for each station separate. On-site paper shredding, electronics recycling, recycling of bottles and cans, textile collection and donated books are all part of the event. For more information and electronics pricing, call 508-234-5656 or email [email protected].
• The Auburn Historical Society & Museum will host a Yard Sale, 40 South St., Auburn, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No Early Birds please.
• Get The Led Out performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 7:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• Kip Moore performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 1:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
• Blackstone Valley Tech’s 24th annual golf tournament will be held at Highfields Golf & Country Club, 42 Magill Drive, Grafton will proceeds benefitting the school’s Education Foundation and Athletic Department activities and programs. Registration is $150 for individuals and $125 per person for a foursome and includes 18 holes on the championship course, golf cart and a buffet dinner. There will be a silent auction and raffles. To register, support the event as a sponsor or donate a raffle item, visit www.valleytech.k12.ma.us/golftournament.
• The Dudley Grange’s annual Strawberry Festival will be held on the Grange’s grounds on Dudley Hill at 139 Center Road.
• Chase Rice performs at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, Webster, 1:00 p.m.
• The Charlton Helping Hand Society Inc. announces the schedule for our popular, annual Saturday Summer Yard Sales. All held at the Dodge Chapel, 81 Hammond Hill Road, Charlton from 8 am to noon. All monies raised will help fulfill the mission of Helping Hand - "Help us to Help Others."
• Rumours: The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute Show, takes the stage at Indian Ranch, 200 Gore Road, 1:00 p.m. www.indianranch.com.
SAturday, August 5
• The Charlton Helping Hand Society Inc. announces the schedule for our popular, annual Saturday Summer Yard Sales. All held at the Dodge Chapel, 81 Hammond Hill Road, Charlton from 8 am to noon. All monies raised will help fulfill the mission of Helping Hand - "Help us to Help Others."
• The 2nd Annual Parking Lot Craft Fair sponsored by the Auburn Historical Society & Museum will be held at 41 South St., Auburn, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., rain or shine. Vendors are welcome. Contact Helen at [email protected] to reserve a space for $15.
• The Sutton Historical Society welcomes Andrew Noone, author of “Bathsheba Spooner: A Revolutionary Murder Conspiracy,” at the First Congregational Church, 307 Boston Road, Sutton, at 7:00 p.m. Go to www.suttonhistoricalsociety.org for further info.