Dudley Voter Turnout 31% - Overrides Defeated

by Janet Stoica
With a total of 8,678 registered voters in Dudley, 2,680 citizens came out to vote on Monday, June 12. Official voting results for the town of Dudley’s recent Annual Town Election and Ballot Questions are as follows:
For a three-year term as Selectman, Kerry Cyganiewicz, Sr. kept his seat with 1,409 votes. Challenger David Durgin received 894 votes. For a three-year term on the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District Committee: Maureen Chickering won with 1,097 votes. Jaimie L. Pablico received 736 votes followed by write-in candidates Nicole Leblanc with 351 votes and Jarrod Manzi with 16. A three-year term on the Board of Health had Heather Ruth Arnold winning with 1,255 votes and Anna Chojnacki-Durgin securing 829 votes.
Voting for two Library Trustees for three-year terms had two write-in candidates securing seats: Adriana Nica-Buda with 73 votes and Kathleen Horne with 43 votes. A “Failure to Elect” notation was placed on the one-year unexpired term for a Library Trustee as there were no formal candidates nor were there any write-in candidates for the position. The three-year term for the Water/Sewer Commissioner position had no formal candidate printed on the ballot but there were three write-ins with Justin Dolan securing the most votes with 70, Thomas Chojnacki 12 votes, and David Baxter 5 votes.
Daniel Edmiston won a two-year unexpired term on the Planning Board with 1,713 votes followed by write-in candidate Gary Bond with 10 votes.
Non-contested elected positions include Moderator Christopher Starczewski; Assessor Conrad M. Allen; SWCRV School District Alfred C. Reich, Jr.; Planning Board for three years Richard P. Clark; and Dudley Housing Authority five-year term Donald J. Cristina.
Question 1 on the ballot asking residents to assess an additional $2,668,797.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for the town’s operational expenses in the amount of $1,674,514.00 and for the purposes of operational expenses for the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District in the amount of $994,283.00 for the fiscal year beginning 7/1/2023 was defeated with votes of 1,791 no to 880 yes.
Additionally, Question 2 requesting an additional assessment of $463,000.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding the town’s share of the costs of a high school feasibility study by the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District, as required under the Massachusetts School Building Authority School Building Grant Program as recommended by the Dudley-Charlton Regional School Committee for the fiscal year beginning 7/1/2023 was also defeated by votes of 1,735 no to 931 yes.