Author will talk about A Life Worth Saving at Booklovers’ Gourmet

Author Corrine James.
Booklovers’ Gourmet, 72 E. Main St., Webster, is hosting a book release for “A Life Worth Saving” by local author Corrine James on Saturday, August 5th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Signed copies will be available for purchase.
This is a story of one who was lost but now has been found. A story of redemption, new life in Christ, and a heavenly Father that was ever present and ever pursuing His wayward daughter. A Father that would never leave nor forsake her.
“This is a story of everlasting love, forgiveness, and grace,” Ms. James says. “The Lord began calling me to write my story, my testimony, about fifteen years ago. I remember questioning ‘Lord, why me?’ The Lord began to show me pieces of my life, pieces that were hidden deep within. There was a testimony inside that He wanted me to share, that I needed to share.
“Out of that calling, A Life Worth Saving was birthed. It’s about redeeming love, restored relationships, and freedom that only comes through Christ. It’s about my journey toward Christ, one that has taken me from sadness to joy, hopelessness to redeemed, confusion to truth, and fear to faith.