Art Call issued for 6th Small Stones Festival in Grafton

"Rockport Motif" by Scott Nelson was exhibited in last year's Small Stones Festival of the Arts.
Art Call opened on July 15th for submission of work to the Small Stones Festival of the Arts, a regional juried fine art and photography exhibition that has become a fixture in Grafton, the Blackstone Valley and Central Massachusetts.
Fine art artists and photographers are encouraged to join the area’s finest painters, photographers, water colorists and other two-dimensional artists for the sixth year of the Festival.
A number of local artists are participating this year, including Megan Fedigan, Al Weems and Kristi Cromwell of Sutton, Mary Jo McKeon, Scott Nelson and Michael Wackell of Millbury, and Jennifer Behymer, Kevin Shattuck, Amanda Conyers, Bonnie Frederico, Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler, Natassia Hunt and James Hunt of Grafton.

"Mediate" by Al Weems was among the works entered in last year's Small Stones Festival of the Arts.
The Festival’s opening ceremony and reception to announce the winning artists is scheduled for Friday, October 20th at 6:30 p.m. at the Grafton Public Library, 35 Grafton Common. The Blackstone Valley Art Association and the Worcester County Camera Club have collaborated to showcase the art exhibition for extended hours from October 20th through the 29th in the Community Room of the GPL. Additional weekday and Sunday hours have been added.
Photography and all forms of two-dimensional artwork are welcomed, with a maximum of four entries per artist. The Art Call will remain open until midnight of the day five hundred entries are received. All artwork meeting acceptance criteria will be displayed online. Visit to submit artwork.
A distinguished panel of six jurors will select one hundred forty-four works to appear in the exhibit and cash prize winners in the fine art and photography categories. Awards include first, second and third cash prize winners and juror’s choice (six awards). A popular choice award for each category will be voted by viewers. Cash awards are $500 for first, $250 for second and $100 for third. The hardbound exhibition catalog will feature the juried artwork and will be sold online.
Festival co-chairs are Carolyn Kinloch-Winkler of the Blackstone Valley Art Club and Sue Cardosi of the Worcester County Camera Club. They are working with a committee of eleven to provide a free fine art and photography festival for the greater Central Massachusetts community.
The mission of the Small Stones Festival of the Arts is to elevate the practice and appreciation of fine art and photography in the Blackstone Valley and beyond. Grafton Arts Inc., a 501(3) organization, is the financial sponsor of the Festival.
The Festival organizers appreciate the donors to last year’s Festival including the Cultural Councils of the towns of Grafton and Millbury; Homefield Credit Union; The Town House Tavern, One Grafton Common; and Yesod Foundation Inc.
Additional financial support from community businesses has come from Gaudette Insurance, JCSI Corporate Staffing, Jubilee Chocolate, Pepperoni Express, Roney Funeral, Sydney Padgett of Mathieu Newton Sotheby’s, Theroux Dental Associates and Touchstone Crystal.
Sponsorships are available to support the 2023 Small Stones Festival of the Arts. Contact Sean Padgett at [email protected] or for more information visit
Dana Wilson is an organizing member of the Small Stones Festival of the Arts. Contact Dana at [email protected].