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The Yankee Express

Toaster Oven Triple Berry Crisp is a summer treat


Have you done much baking lately? If you’re like a lot of people, you might keep your treasured recipes safely tucked away somewhere until fall. Or at least until cooler weather arrives. But you certainly don’t have to.
No matter how high the outdoor temperatures reach, you can keep your kitchen comfortable – and your energy bills lower – by baking smaller batches of your favorite desserts or pastries in a toaster oven. This recipe for Toaster Oven Triple Berry Crisp is as quick and easy to make as it is healthy. And it’s a dessert that you may want to make all summer long, especially when you want to whip something up quickly for a summer evening on the patio or lunch with friends or family.    
As I’ve mentioned in previous columns, blueberries are a heart and brain superfood. Raspberries and blackberries are also brimming with vitamins, especially vitamin C. And all three berries are particularly rich in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, which have many anti-inflammatory properties as well as many anti-microbial properties. These antioxidants may help protect people from a range of diseases. The high fiber content of all the berries also promotes good health. 
This dessert is also void of unhealthy fats. The walnuts, which contain healthy fats, are heart-healthy and brain-healthy nuts that are excellent sources of omega-3-fatty acids, protein and magnesium. And the oats are an abundant source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  Both ingredients can also help fuel your energy.  
Toaster Oven Triple Berry Crisp

Ingredients for Crisp Filling:
¾ Cup of Blueberries
½ Cup of Raspberries
½ Cup of Blackberries 
½ tsp. of Cinnamon
1 tbsp. of Flour

Ingredients for Crisp Topping:
½ Cup of Quick or Old-Fashioned Oats
¼ Cup of Chopped Walnuts
¼ Cup of Brown Sugar
2 tbsp. of Light Olive Oil for Baking 
1 tsp. of Cinnamon

Rinse all the berries.
Mix together the blueberries, blackberries and raspberries with the rest of the filling ingredients.
Spread the mixture evenly in two mini pie plates.
Mix together the crisp topping ingredients, adding the olive oil last, so it can coat the mixture.
Sprinkle the crisp topping over the filling in each mini pie plate.
Bake at 350 degrees in a pre-heated toaster oven for about 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let cool for about 15 minutes. Enjoy!
Makes about two to four servings 
If you enjoy baking, there’s no need to take a vacation from it in these stickier months. Just pour yourself a tall cool glass of lemonade, and give your little countertop friend the workout it needs.  Happy (healthier) baking!