Oh My Gourd! A boo-tiful night is in store!

At last year's Oh My Gourd Event, ghosts danced in front of Polly's Antiques and a tractor displayed plethora of pumpkins. Submitted photos
The Sutton Fourth Committee invites you to get ready for this highly anticipated event of the year - the upcoming, thrilling third edition of the “Oh My Gourd, It’s the Great Pumpkin Extravaganza” on Saturday, Oct.28 at the Sutton Town Common. This event is free and open to the general public of all ages.
Brace yourselves as we unveil the most intricately carved pumpkins from our community. Next, steel yourself for a new-this-year a scarecrow contest. There is no entry fee for either contest, but donations are gladly accepted. For more information and to register for either contest, visit thesuttonfourth.org. Pumpkins and scarecrows will be displayed until November 2.

At last year's Oh My Gourd Event, ghosts danced in front of Polly's Antiques and a tractor displayed plethora of pumpkins.
Submitted photos
Also included in this year’s event is the enchanting witches’ dance, a dance performance by Murphy’s Academy of Irish Dance, a “Boo Bash” at the Sutton Public Library, a haunting graveyard tour in the Center Cemetery hosted by the Sutton Historical Society, and a Trunk or Treat Extravaganza hosted by the PTO. Don’t forget to step into The General Rufus Putnam Museum, 4 Uxbridge Road, to view the Sutton Historical Society’s informative exhibit about the building’s 200 years of history, and to view a not-to-be missed, unique miniature Halloween village display.
Events at the Common
All times and locations subject to change – visit thesuttonfourth.org for updates.
4 - 10 p.m. Oh My Gourd Pumpkin and Scarecrow Display
4 - 6 p.m. Boo Bash - Sutton Public Library
5- 8 p.m. Historic Graveyard Tours – Center Cemetery, 4 Uxbridge Road
5 – 8 p.m. Halloween Village Display – General Rufus Putnam Museum, 4 Uxbridge Road
5 p.m. Murphy’s Academy of Irish Dance – Town Common
5 p.m. Sutton Lions Club will be serving food on the Common
5:30 p.m. Witches of Sutton – Town Common
Events at the Sutton Schools - 409 Boston Road
4 p.m. Witches’ Dance
5 - 7p.m. Trunk or Treat sponsored by the Sutton PTO (for information about trunk or treat, visit sites.google.com/view/suttontort2023/home)