UniBank Annual Holiday Giving Program Runs Through Mid-December

UniBank recently announced that the bank kicked off its annual Holiday Giving Tree Program on November 24th to make the season brighter for individuals and families throughout the community. The program is part of the bank’s dedication to improving life for the communities it serves.
Each UniBank branch has chosen an organization that fills a need in their community and supports the program by making and purchasing items, and accepting donations from customers and the general public. Many local residents face difficult times around the holiday season and UniBank is pleased to work with local charitable organizations in support of this effort to help its neighbors. Branch collections are as follows:
Blackstone: Requesting items to be distributed by the Divine Mercy Parish for individuals in Blackstone.
Douglas: Collecting non-perishable food items for the Douglas Food Pantry located at St. Denis Church.
Hopkinton: Requesting items that will be distributed to families in need by Project Just Because.
Milford: Requesting items that will be given to individuals and families in need in the Milford Community. Donations will be distributed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society at St. Mary of the Assumption Church.
North Grafton: Requesting items needed by senior citizens that will be distributed by the Grafton Senior Center.
Shrewsbury: Requesting food donations that will be distributed by St. Anne’s Human Services.
Sutton: Items for senior citizens to be distributed by the Sutton Senior Center.
Upton: Items needed by senior citizens to be handed out by the Upton Senior Center.
Uxbridge: Requesting specific items for individuals in Uxbridge to be distributed by the People First Food Pantry.
Whitinsville Main: Requesting items that will be distributed by the Friends of Northbridge Elders to individuals in Northbridge.
Whitinsville Plaza: Requesting items to be distributed by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families to benefit local children.
Worcester: Tags requesting specific items needed by women and children to be distributed by the YWCA.
Donated items may be dropped off during regular banking hours through mid-December. Check with your local branch for specific details and deadlines. Visit www.unibank.com for a listing of branch locations and hours.