Rowing for Rett

Holy Cross Women Rowing Team, photo submitted.
Grace Rett was a real go-getter kind of girl who was up for any challenge. With a zest for life and a deeply held faith, she made a big impact in her too few years.
A varsity member of the Holy Cross Women’s Rowing team, Grace tragically was the lone fatality on a 2020 Florida training trip when the team’s van was involved in a crash. It happened on January 15, just one day after Grace turned 20 years old.

Athletes from Cross Fit Final Duel, photo submitted.
Raised in Uxbridge, Grace was a multi-sport athlete and proud member of the Our Lady of the Valley Regional School Angels, the Marianapolis Preparatory School Golden Knights and Holy Cross Crusaders.
On December 15, Holy Cross Women’s crew team members organized a 62 hour rowing relay at Our Lady of the Valley Grace Rett Athletic Complex and Education (G.R.A.C.E.) Center to commemorate their fellow rower and the continuous indoor rowing world record she set in 2019 at 383,000 meters. They were joined by the Marianapolis crew team, athletes from Cross Fit Final Duel and Hannah Strom, Our Lady of the Valley alum, all performed on erg machines.
Dubbed the Love-the-Fight-a-Thon, the event raised money for Our Lady of the Valley School.
The first virtual oar dipped at 6 a.m. on Friday and was raised at 8 p.m. Sunday, December 17, bringing in $43,254 for the school and the G.R.A.C.E. Center.
Earlier relays raised funds to build the center.
The G.R.A.C.E. Center is currently being used by Our Lady of Victory students, staff and the greater community. It hosts two classrooms, gynmnasium, basketball practices, drama club rehearsals and the Diocesan Boys Basketball League. St. Mary’s Parish and the Uxbridge knights of Columbus have also used the Center for meetings and educational programs.
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