Charlton/Oxford’s Route 20
By Janet Stoica
Route 20 road construction has progressed to the breaking point for drivers along busy Routes 12 and 20 in the Oxford and Charlton area, but according to the Mass. Dept. of Transportation’s website, the following activities will continue.
The MassDOT’s Design-Build Program for this project was awarded to D. W. White Construction, Inc. and TranSystems in November 2022. Construction activities are in progress. Weather and unexpected circumstances make all construction activities subject to change without notice, but they will do their best to keep area drivers/residents updated.
Temporary Lane Closures, March through November 2024
MassDOT will implement temporary lane closures on Route 20 in both directions, between Richardson Corner Road in Charlton and Main Street (Route 12) in Oxford from March 4 through the end of November 2024. The closures are necessary for activities related to reconstructing Route 20. At the completion of this construction season, which is expected to be late November/early December, the roadway will reopen to four lanes of traffic throughout the corridor.
Work will occur in two stages:
• During the first stage of construction (March through July), work will occur on the westbound side of the roadway and traffic will be shifted to one lane in each direction on the eastbound side.
• During the second stage of construction (anticipated to be July through November), work will occur on the eastbound side of the roadway and traffic will be shifted to one lane in each direction on the westbound side.
Existing turn lanes at Route 12, Route 56, and Richardson Corner Road will be maintained, but left turns into or out of other side streets and driveways along Route 20 will be restricted. U-turns will be accommodated at the intersections of Route 12, Route 56, and Richardson Corner Road. Access to local businesses will be maintained.
Speed Limits Reduced in Construction Work Zone on Route 20
MassDOT has issued a work zone speed limit to reduce the posted speed limit on Route 20 within the project work zone, between Route 12 and Richardson Corner Road, until further notice. The posted speed limits will be further reduced during active work hours for the safety of the roadway users and workers.
Speed limits are reduced in the following areas:
• Richardson Corner to Route 56: the speed limit has been reduced from 50 MPH to 45 MPH. During active work hours, the speed limit will be further reduced to 40 MPH.
• Route 56 to Thayer Pond Drive: The speed limit has been reduced from 40 MPH to 35 MPH. During active work hours, the speed limit will be further reduced to 30 MPH.
• Thayer Pond Drive to Route 12: The speed limit has been reduced from 45 MPH to 40 MPH. During active work hours, the speed limit will be further reduced to 35 MPH.
Dynamic message signs will be posted to show the reduced speed limit during active work hours and advance warning signs will be used onsite to notify the traveling public of the reduced speed limits.
Wide Loads Prohibited from Work Zone on Route 20
MassDOT has issued a restriction prohibiting vehicles carrying wide loads over 8 feet, 6 inches from traveling through the Route 20 Reconstruction Project work zone, between Route 12 and Richardson Corner Road. The travel restriction is in place 24 hours per day, seven days per week until further notice.
All vehicles carrying wide loads should avoid the work zone, seek alternate routes, and contact MassDOT’s Commercial Truck Permits Office for more information.
Traffic and Staging Considerations
The project will involve complete reconstruction of Route 20 in the Towns of Charlton and Oxford over approximately 4 years. Typical work hours will be 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Some work may vary depending on traffic volumes between 5 a.m. to 7 p.m.
There will occasionally be night and weekend work for some demolition and off-peak work that needs lane taking to execute the work.
Access will always be maintained for emergency services and the project team will be in contact with first responders to maintain communication throughout the performance of the contract.
All major operations will be confined to fixed work zones. Travel speeds will be reduced through work zones for the safety of their workforce and the traveling public.
To minimize traffic impacts, the project will:
• Minimize construction vehicles turning movements within the project limits to reduce congestion
• Use water spray for dust suppression
• Maintain intersection access and traffic in each direction on Route 20
• Maintain proper signage and markings
• Provide temporary roadway lighting for safe nighttime travel
• Provide safe construction access/egress
• Maintain resident and local business access/egress