Nordic-Americana Musician performing at Asa Waters

The Friends of the Millbury Public Library are pleased to host Sofia Talvik, an Americana artist who infuses folk music with her Swedish roots. The program will be held at 7 p.m. in the Great Room at the Asa Waters Mansion on Wednesday, May 8 at 123 Elm Street. Tickets are available at: Ticket Price: $29.
Proceeds from this event will go toward programming and support for the Millbury Public Library programs.
Originally from Sweden, Sofia Talvik has traveled 48 states in the U.S., blending her Nordic roots with American folk traditions to create a truly unique musical experience. Her performances are marked by engaging narratives and captivating melodies, enchanting audiences wherever she performs.
Expressing her anticipation for the event, Sofia shared, “I’m thrilled to be performing at Asa Waters Mansion. It’s always special to connect with audiences in intimate settings, and I can’t wait to share my music with the community in Millbury.”
Sofia’s latest album, released in 2023, received widespread acclaim and was considered for a Grammy nomination in the Best Folk Album category. Her songs, filled with heartfelt narratives and crafted melodies, resonate deeply with listeners of all backgrounds.
Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending the darkening melancholy and wave-top sparkle of northern seas.Sofia is a veteran performer with nine full-length albums as well as numerous EPs, singles and tours behind her.
Primarily a live artist, Talvik has taken her music across Europe and through 48 U.S. states, riding in her 1989 Winnebago Warrior with her husband at the wheel, digging deep into the American sound and channeling it through her Nordic roots to create a singular brand of Americana. While her Swedish roots serve as the basis for her songwriting, she often calls upon her many journeys and experiences for inspiration, especially the uniquely American archetype of roaming the endless highway.
Here are a few questions we had for Sofia:
Q: Who are some of your influences, for both your songwriting and your live performances?
I listen to a lot of different kind of music. Some of my favorites are Neko Case, Valerie June and Aimee Mann. Influences for me come rather from what I see and experience than other music. It’s a way for me to express my thoughts and feelings.
Q: Has a tour stop or scenery in New England ever inspired a song?
Right now I can’t say I have any songs that were written with New England in mind, but I do have many songs about the beauty of the USA.
Q: How does touring in the US compare to touring Europe?
One thing that’s a big aspect is the language, of course. Everywhere you go in Europe, people speak different languages, so for me that also does some storytelling in between the songs, it can be hard if I don’t know the language, or if the audience doesn’t understand English very well. But I would say that the love for culture and music is similar in Europe and the USA. That’s easier in the U.S. as everyone speaks the same language. Often, I also have to drive longer distances here, but that depends on which area I’m in.
Q: How has touring in an RV influenced your songwriting and stage show?
Touring in an RV enables me to experience so much more than if I would just be touring in a car or a van. If I have days off, I can go explore and camp in nature, maybe check out a National Park or state park. It also makes it easier for me to visit smaller cities to do shows, which is always a treat.
At Sofia’s performance, you will be up close and personal with a world-class act that has played big festivals like Lollapalooza and SxSW, and opened for artists like Maria McKee and David Duchovny (X-files, Californication). It is in this kind of setting where she can casually joke and communicate with the audience that her strength as a performer shines the most.
Her four month 50-plus concert release tour throughout the country is promoting her ninth studio album “Center of the Universe.”
The album was recorded over a week in an old Swedish rural village that has been around since the 1500’s.