Hikes Through History with Alison O’Leary on May 5

Award-winning journalist Alison O’Leary will take a walk through history and describe how our use of land changed when America’s agrarian economy and culture shifted with the Industrial Revolution, on Sunday, May 5, at 3 p.m. at the Samuel Slater Experience museum.
Ms. O’Leary will also take us on a tour of some of the many Massachusetts parks and trails that have been carved out of historical sites.
The author is a Massachusetts history buff and outdoorswoman who has published five books on history, hiking, and travel. Her presentations include stunning visuals, insights into the research involved, historical perspective and humor.
This free presentation is sponsored by the Webster Cultural Council. Please register at samuelslaterexperience.org or leave a message at [email protected] or 508-461-2955.
Hikes Through History will be from 3 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 5, at the Samuel Slater Experience, 31 Ray Street, Webster. Visitors who also plan to tour the museum should arrive by 1 p.m.