
NOTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
Saturday, June 8
• Please join us for our Annual Community Yard And Plant Sale! As we’ve done in the past, we will rent spaces and tables, plus we’ll do all the advertising and remember, our prime location can’t be beat! Spaces Are $25 For Non-Members. Tables Are Available To Rent For $5 Each. Last year our Community Yard Sale and Plant Sale was so successful that we had to implement a wait list! We anticipate the same level of interest again this year, so don’t delay in reserving your spot. We are very excited at the thought of gathering, again, with our church family and our neighbors on the church’s front lawn. Call the church office, 508-832-2845, to reserve your spot! All are welcome! First Congregational Church of Auburn, 128 Central Street, Auburn.
• Annual Church and Community Yard Sale
Soorp Asdvadzadzin Armenian Church, 315 Church Street in Whitinsville holds its Annual Church and Community Yard Sale on the front lawn facing Church Street on Saturday, June 8th from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
Vendor space is available for a donation of $15 per spot so if you were contemplating your own yard sale but don't have the space you can't been the green lawn, tree shade and great traffic exposure along Church Street. Since this is an outdoor event, please provide you own tables, tarps and canopies if desired. Admission to the buying public is free with plenty of parking along both sides of Church Street or behind the church. For details and reservations, please email Jeff at [email protected].
• On Saturday, June 8th at 2:30 p.m. come hear Fred Gerhard read from his new poetry book, Drifting to “Hello” (Khotso Publishing) at Booklovers' Gourmet, 72 East Main Street, Webster, MA. His poems have also appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. A 2023 winner of Poetry in the Pines, he writes from Ashburnham, MA, where he leads monthly poetry workshops. The event will also include an open mic portion. To sign up to read, please call 508-949-6232 or email [email protected]. Space is limited.
• The Sutton Historical Society, Inc. will be hosting the Annual Sutton Town-Wide Yard Sale on Saturday, June 15 from 8 am to 1 pm. The Society publishes a map of locations throughout town including limited spaces for rent at the M. M. Sherman Blacksmith Shop, 6 Singletary Avenue, Sutton. Registration fee is $10 to be listed on the participating location map. Map will be posted on Facebook and uploaded to suttonhistoricalsocietyinc.org prior to the event. Registration forms are available at suttonhistoricalsocietyinc.org. Questions can be directed to [email protected]. Don't want to have a yard sale, but have items to donate? Members of the Society will pick up your donations. Contact Brian Stevenson at 774-708-0582 or email us at [email protected].
• Sutton Fourth of July parade kicks off from Sutton Center at 10 am. Fun community events will be held at the Sutton Schools from 11 am to 4 pm. Information on the parade, participants, and the post parade events can be found at thesuttonfourth.org. The Historical Society will be set up with the civil war cannon for ole tyme photos. Stop by and learn about what the Society has to offer, and how we are preserving local history and preparing for the Nation's 250th anniversary. Visit www.thesuttonfourth.org for more information.
Led by volunteer Trail Ambassador Phil. Phil’s hikes begin at 10 a.m.
Saturday, June 15: Douglas State Forest Hike, Douglas
The New England Country Music Club
Dances with live classic country bands - Progressive Club, 18 Whitin St., Uxbridge
Sunday, June 9, “Rustic Country”
Sunday, June 23, “Angela West & Showdown”
Doors open at 12:15, live music 1-5pm
Snacks may be brought in, cash bar for beverages. www.facebook.com/NECountryMusicClub