Uxbridge Historical Society Seeks New Members
The Uxbridge Historical Society has launched a membership drive looking for families, individuals and students. The annual dues that the Society needs to sustain its mission (along with donations that are always welcomed) are low enough to enable all to join. Families are just $25, individuals are $20 and students 18 years and younger are free.
Since 1968, the Society has been dedicated to protecting, preserving and sharing the history of Uxbridge. The collections include artifacts, photographs, movies, audio recording and historic documents which are all catalogued and safely stored. The Uxbridge Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organizations and all donations are tax deductible.
The collections contain 18th and 19th century documents as well as a bed that George Washington slept in on his journey through the colonies after his election as first President of the United States.
His visits to the Taft Tavern, now a private residence on Sutton Street, is well documented and was included in historian Nathaniel Philbrick’s recent book, “Travels with George.” The bed had been in the Taft family for many generations and was generously donated to the Society by descendants of the family.
The Collections Committee has been working hard to make these historical objects more accessible to the public.
Michael Potaski has spent countless hours cataloguing approximately one thousand documents. Our recent college intern, Nolan Psuik, as a Framingham University history major, scanned in over 400 historical photos which are now available to the public on the Digital Commonwealth online. The Society also provides guidance and information for people that are doing research about Uxbridge.
The board of directors are Jim Beauchamp, president; Roy Henry, vice-president; Michael Potaski, treasurer; Mary Beauchamp, clerk; and board members Don Koerton, Gary Potter and Tom Gagnon.
Volunteers are needed to assist with fundraising, memberships, events and presentations. Please consider becoming a member or a sponsor of the Society to help us grow and to continue this important work.