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The Yankee Express

Uxbridge Needs Assessment for Residents Aged 55 and Over

The Town of Uxbridge is asking residents aged 55 and over to complete a Needs Assessment Survey and share their views to assess the needs of the Town’s older adult population. 
The Town of Uxbridge has partnered with the Gerontology Institute at the University of Massachusetts Boston to conduct a needs assessment of the experiences, interests, and long-term needs of residents aged 55 and over. The study, led by the Council On Aging (COA) and supported by the Town of Uxbridge, will inform plans to build programs and services that support Uxbridge’s growing population of older adults. 
The linked survey is one piece in the assessment process which includes qualitative and quantitative methods of study. By completing the survey, you can have your voice heard about living in Uxbridge. Your heartfelt feedback is appreciated and essential for the Town to effectively respond to the community’s needs. Your responses to the survey are anonymous. 
All residents aged 55 and older will receive a printed 
survey in the mail along with a postage paid return envelope. 
Use the QR Code to access the survey via your phone. 
The survey will also be available online at Residents who need assistance are also welcome to complete the survey via telephone by calling 617-287-7413. It should take about 15 minutes to complete. 
Please complete the survey and return it by October 11, 2024. 
Together, we will maintain Uxbridge as a strong, vibrant community for people of all ages. 
Lisa Bernard, COA Director