
OTE: Community bulletin board-type items are welcome for inclusion in the Happenings! section of the Xpress newspapers. Please allow enough lead time for publication. Email your calendar or event notice to [email protected].
Through Oct 31
• The Pumpkin Patch at the First Congregational Church, 128 Central Street, Auburn will be open daily 10 a.m. ‘til dusk September 21st through October 31st or until sold out. There will be gourds and pumpkins of all sizes and prices – one for every need; be it for your fall decor, carving, baking – you name it! The pumpkins are raised and harvested by the Navajos on their reservation in New Mexico. The money they receive helps their schools and other programs and a percentage of the sales helps our church as well. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office at 508-832-2845.
• Be a part of Webster’s annual Main Street Trunk or Treat event from 4-6 p.m. For businesses along Main Street and South Main Street, flyers will be available in the coming weeks. Please display the flyers if you wish to participate. The flyer is the same as a porch light welcoming trick or treaters. Anyone interested in decorating a car trunk, pickup truck or trailer, please reach out to [email protected] to be part of a spooky good time.
• Scarecrows on the Common, Joslin Park, Town Common, 352 Main Street, Oxford, 11 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. You’re invited to fill the town common with handcrafted scarecrows for the whole town to enjoy. Open to individuals, businesses and families. Visit www.oxfordma.myrec.com to register. Schedule of events: scarecrow drop-off 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.; music with “DW and the Shakemakers” at 12 – 2:30 p.m.; Sutton Dancing Witches perform at 1 p.m. Scarecrow judging begins at 3 p.m. Children’s Costume Parade 3 p.m. Kids’ games, crafts, snacks, vendors and more. Awards for most creative, funniest and best town spirit scarecrows.
Sunday, October 27
• Pakachoag: Where the River Bends Film Screening & Discussion: 2 – 4 p.m.
When College of the Holy Cross was founded in 1843, it was built on land that had been home to Indigenous people for centuries. This film by Holy Cross faculty and staff, community leaders and students seeks to illuminate that history. After the film, stay for a discussion with Sarah Luria, Chair, Environmental Studies, Colin Novick, The Greater Worcester Land Trust, and
Jo Elle Moody and Gordon Ward, Officers of the Quinsigamond Band of Nipmuc.
Presented in partnership with the College of the Holy Cross and the Scholarship in Action program. This program is free and open to the public. Registration is not required. An adult must accompany children. Blackstone Heritage Corridor Visitor Center at Worcester Department of Conservation and Recreation - 3 Paul Clancy Way, Worcester. For the most up to date programming information, call (508) 373-7056.
Monday, OCtober 28
• Halloween At The Museum: Come join the spooky people at the Auburn Historical
Society and Museum, 41 South Street, Auburn, from 6:30p to 8:30p. You’ll be able to meet some “characters” that will be telling you scary stories of Auburn’s past, solve some vampire jokes, and partake in “Trick or Treat” bags. A tour of the museum, a glass of cider, and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
• The Oxford Free Public Library and the Oxford Conservation Commission have teamed up to host a Seed Saving Presentation from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Carbuncle Beach House, 12 Carbuncle Drive, Oxford. Learn from a Massachusetts Master Gardener the benefits of saving seeds and basic techniques. This topic is being presented in anticipation of the new Seed Library that will be introduced in Spring 2025. To get the Seed Library started, seed donations will be accepted at the Oxford Free Public Library beginning in November.
Saturday, November 2
• The Boys & Girls Club of Webster-Dudley will be having its 3rd annual Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday, November 2nd from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 55 Oxford Ave, Dudley.
• Free Shred Day: bankHometown invites customers and members of the community to free Shred Day Millbury Public Library, 128 Elm St.. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (or until the truck is full) on the following dates and at the following locations. No appointment is necessary. A professional document destruction company will be on site in the bank’s parking lot and can accept up to two boxes of documents per per
• St. Peter’s Parish in Northbridge will be holding its Annual Holiday Fair on Saturday, November 2nd from 9:00am-3:00pm in the parish hall, 39 Church Avenue, Northbridge. Come out with your family and friends to enjoy the day! We will have all of your favorites: White Elephant Table, Baked Goods Table, Holiday Table, Craft Table with beautiful handmade quilts. There will also be tables filled with raffles (you never know what will be there!), a silent auction, scratch ticket raffle, quilt raffle and a gift basket raffle. Stay and enjoy a bite to eat with all of our favorite foods being served. For more information, please contact the parish office at 508-234-2156 or email: [email protected].
• Our popular, annual Harvest Fair fundraiser to benefit the combined 3 Grafton Churches now known as Our Lady of Hope Parish will be held at St. James Church Hall, 89 Main Street, S. Grafton on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024 from 9AM - 3PM. There will be something for everyone. Come browse, buy, have breakfast or lunch, meet friends, and have fun!
• A Poetry Book Signing & Open Mic with Alan Ira Gordon featuring “Pittsburgh and Other Poems”, will take place at 2 p.m. at Booklovers’ Gourmet, 72 East Main Street, Webster. To sign up for the Open Mic portion of the event, please call 508-949-6232 or email [email protected]. All of the poems in this book explore in poetic form various ideas of sense of place, whether physical locations, points in time or ideas of place that could only exist (for now, at least) within the creative realms of science fiction, fantasy and/or horror.
• The Douglas Historical Society is hosting a Spaghetti Supper with limited seating, so reservations are necessary. Seatings are at 4 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. The Society relies solely on the generosity of others to keep their doors open and is asking for donations of $15 for adults and $7 for children under 12 years. To go orders will be accepted. To make a reservation or place your to go order, call Ursula at 508-723-3484 or email [email protected].
SUNDAY, NOVember 3
• The Dudley Woman’s Club most popular fundraiser is back! Pocketbook Bingo will be held Sunday, November 3 at the PACC, 37 Harris Street in Webster. Doors open at 1 p.m. with bingo starting at 2 p.m. Tickets are $35pp for this fun afternoon of BINGO with the gals plus the chance to win 10 designer handbags! Lots of laughs, giveaways and raffles. The DWC’s voluntary Giving Project for this event will be gently used pocketbooks and shoes for the Webster-Dudley Food Share. Tickets online at www.dudleywomansclub.org/pocketbookbingo
• The Uxbridge Polish American Club Social and Civil Club is hosting a Polka Party from 1 – 5 p.m. with Dennis Polisky & Maestro’s Men. The Club is located at 217 Mendon Street, Uxbridge. Tickets are $15 per person at the door or at the Polish Hall. For more information, call 508-278-7583.
Thursday, November 7
• Salute to Veterans Comedy Night. Come and meet the members of your Veterans Advisory Committee and enjoy a fun night with us. 6 p.m. at the Delisle-Goulet Post, 60 Worcester St., Grafton. Cash bar and light refreshments and food available.
Saturday, November 9
• Charlton City United Methodist Church will once again host Dynamic Cards, Collectibles and Craft Show at 74 Stafford Street, Charlton from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Two full floors of Trading Cards, Collectibles and Crafts of all kinds! The show will be jam-packed with 60+ tables and feature lunch, baked goods, and other goodies for purchase. Add to your collection or begin a new one. In addition to a very large variety of vendors and crafters, we'll also have lunch and baked goods for sale. Partial proceeds help support many local community causes. You win with all the sellers, and the world wins when you come to support the show. Admission is FREE. There is plenty of parking and the building is handicap accessible. For further information, including vendor inquiries: Joe Dupont. [email protected]
Sunday, NOVember 10
• Music at the Farm season seven fall concerts continue Nov. 10 at 2 PM. with artists in residence Yunwen Chen, cello and Xiyu Deng, piano. They will play Bach Suite No. 3 in C Major, Schubert "Arpeggione"Sonata and Brahms Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major. These indoor concerts are at Grace Note Farm 969 Jackson Schoolhouse Rd. Pascoag, RI. . Tickets are $30 , children $15,. call 401-567-0354 for reservation. Weather permitting, audience members are welcome to enjoy visiting the farm animals and walk the farm trails prior to the concert. These concerts are sponsored by Grace Note Farm, Virginia Sindelar, Artistic Director and the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council. www.gracenotefarmweb.com
• The Auburn Select Board has voted to schedule the fall special town meeting for Wednesday November 13 at 6 p.m. at the Auburn High School Auditorium, with a backup date of Thursday, November 14 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 16
• Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 268 Main St, Oxford, MA will hold a Fall Festival on Saturday, November 16, 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM. There will be a huge basket raffle, attic treasures and an incredible bake sale. Lunch will be available - a choice of chili or corn chowder. All are welcome!
Thursday, November 21
• Auburn Historical Society & Museum’s November meeting: C.E.R.T. in Your Community –This is the local coordinating structure that train volunteers to help emergency responders during disasters. Members of the Auburn Community Emergency Response Team will explain what the team has done and how you might become a member of the team. Auburn Sportsman’s Club at 50 Elm Street at 6:30 p.m. For more information contact the Auburn Historical Society and Museum at [email protected]. All meetings are free and open to the public.
• The United Presbyterian Church of Whitinsville invites everyone (kids and adults) to our annual Cookies and Carols event to be held on Sunday, December 1, 2024 at 4 PM in the church’s sanctuary (51 Cottage Street in Whitinsville). We will kick off the Advent Season with the singing of Advent and Christmas Carols led by a guest organ player (William Cudmore) and pianist (Eileen Straub). William Cudmore has played for the Woo Sox. Eileen Straub is the church’s Minister of Music. We will have activities for the kids and the singing of seasonal songs. The event will be capped by the eating of cookies and the drinking of punch. All are invited! For more information, please call the church office at 508-234-8220.
Saturday, December 7
• The 2024 Sutton Chain of Lights will Take Place this year from 10 am to 4 pm
Spend a day with your family and friends at the Town of Sutton’s Annual Holiday Chain of Lights Event. Free trolleys and buses will transport visitors over rolling countryside to participating locations throughout historic Sutton. Farms, unique specialty stores, church fairs, and area businesses welcome the holidays with musical entertainment, children’s activities, food, fun and Holiday characters. Route information, maps, location descriptions and brochures are available at www.suttonlights.com
Third Wednesday of each Month
• Coin Show at the VFW Post 1385. 13 Cross Road, Uxbridge. 3-7 p.m. Free Admission, Free Appraisals