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The Yankee Express

Friends of Charlton Public Library host Quilt of Valor

In honor of Veterans Day, the Friends of Charlton Public Library will display a special “Quilt of Valor,” during the month of November. It was  designed by local quilter and quilting teacher Emily (Mimi) Strack, who died this year on September 9, following a lengthy battle with cancer.
Strack developed a passion for quilting after the birth of her first child and immersed herself in perfecting the craft. She designed numerous quilts in her inimitable creative style, earning acclaim from others in the quilting field. Strack also taught the art of quilting in community centers, quilt shops, and craft schools in Massachusetts and Vermont. She was often called upon to serve as judge in quilting shows due to her expertise and experience.
In addition to creating numerous quilts for Quilts of Valor, Strack made hundreds of unique quilts for the Linus Project, which provides handmade blankets for children from 0-18 who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need. Her designs often inspired many others.
In 2003, Catherine Roberts dreamed that quilts could heal the wounds of war and launched an organization that has awarded more than 400,000 quilts nationwide as of 2024. Machine or hand-quilted, a Quilt of Valor (QOV) is a quality quilt awarded to a service member or veteran who has been touched by war. The quilt expressly communicates a clear message: “Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and valor in serving our nation.”
To use the term Quilt of Valor, Quilts of Valor, or QOV, the quilt must meet specific size requirements and bear a label with required information. These quilts are not a gift but must be awarded to the individual and recorded with the national organization.
The local Quilt of Valor group meets on the last Sunday of each month at the Christ Episcopal Church hall, 1089 Stafford Street, Rochdale, from 1 to 3 pm. The group is open to all interested parties.