Webster and Dudley Giving Tree
If you live in Webster or Dudley and need help getting Santa to your house, sign up for the Giving Tree at United Church of Christ, Federated at 4 Church Street, Webster. If your child is 12 years old or younger and lives with you, you are eligible to sign up. You can sign up your child at 4 Church Street, Webster, in the Food Share driveway, every Tuesday and the Threads of Hope Community Closet in the church courtyard every Thursday from 9-11:00 am through November 26, no appointment necessary. This year we will have evening hours from 6-8 p.m. on Mondays through November 25 in the church office. You must bring the child’s ID (Birth Certificate, Passport, Baptismal Record, etc.) to sign up and your ID to pick up. No exceptions. First come, first served, available until our limit is reached. We thank those churches and organizations that help make this happen.
People can also sign up on-line - email [email protected] for more information.
Gifts will be available for pick-up in the front part of the church on December 17 and 19 from 9 – 11 a.m. and December 23 from 6- 8 p.m.. More information for pick-up is provided when you sign up.