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The Yankee Express

Charles Tyler Turner Joins UUSGU as Music Director

Charles Tyler Turner brings a wealth of musical talent to his role as music director at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton & Upton (UUSGU). He is an accomplished musician, with years of experience leading music and choral programs at area churches and schools.
UUSGU has a long history of musical excellence. Choral and instrumental music play a key role in UUSGU services and events. Under Turner’s guidance, artistic excellence will continue, and the program will develop in new and interesting ways.
Tuner holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in music from Rhodes College, Harvard University, and Boston University. He has also served in leadership capacities with Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries.
About the Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton & Upton
The Unitarian Universalist Society of Grafton & Upton is a community of people who recognize the inherent good in all people, extend love and acceptance to everyone, embrace the worth and dignity of every individual, and foster each other’s spiritual growth, no matter their beliefs.