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The Yankee Express

Plenty Going on in Manchaug

The popularity of the Annual Machaug Stroll has snowballed over two years it has brightened the Christmas season in the historic 1800s mill village.
The free outdoor event is hosted by Vaillancourt Folk Art and District V Design and District V House in conjunction with the Sutton Historical Society and Sutton Fire Department.  
The village transformation into a winter wonderland is already set for Saturday, December 13, 2025, 10 months from now.
Luke Vaillancourt, president of the reknowned chalkware company, appeared before the Sutton Select Board on February 4 seeking 19 one day inside/outside wine and malt beverage licenses for upcoming events.
Are there any concerns about that being too much of a good thing, queried board chair David Hall.
Last year there were 13 special events hosted by the businesses at 9 Main Street, so asking for 19 is something of a bump.
Vaillancourt also asked for three outdoor entertainment permits for the Christkindl Markt on November 14 and 15 and also one for the Manchaug Stroll on December 13. 
Town Manager James Smith said he is working with the Vaillancourts to come up with a year-round solution rather than handing out many separate licenses. He hopes to go through the state ABCC to streamline the application process.
Vaillancourt said he was also looking to do an auction in March, as well as adding events during the Christmas season including an uncorking (wine) event and a play “Nicholas Nickleby” with Gerald Charles Dickens, a classically trained London actor and descendant of Charles Dickens who has presented a sell-out one-man play “A Christmas Carol” over Thanksgiving weekend in the past.
The Select Board agreed the programs have a positive impact on the community. 
Vaillancourt said he hasn’t heard any negative comments from residents, he is just “trying to create something special” that is really focused on the collector of his company’s chalkware products.
Board chair Hall said the town has had no problem with alcohol service at any of the events.
The board unanimously approved 19 one-day special licenses to serve wine and malt liquors as well as the three outdoor entertainment permits for 9 Main Street. A TIPS (Training for Intervention Procedures) certified bartender will be onsite for all these events.
New Events Coming Up
District V House and the Vaillancourts have set up a new 501(c) (3) called Manchaug First. Its goal is to promote and preserve Manchaug, maintain its community and celebrate its history.
The organization’s first event is the Heart of Sutton Festival to be held on Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29.  
The event is set to be held on the strip of road that is right on the Manchaug Common with the roadway to be closed for the duration of the festival. Wine and beer service would be in District V’s courtyard since alcohol sales cannot occur on town-owned land.
They are looking for 50 – 75 vendors attending to help raise money for the ambitious goals of preserving Manchaug.
It would be like a farmer’s market or artisan’s fair, Vaillancourt said. 
We’re looking to have that whole Parisian circus-y feel to celebrate the French roots of Manchaug, he said.
Since it is a daytime event, there is likely to be parking in the Manchaug Mills lot and maybe the fire station. A pedestrian crossing is also planned as is hiring a police detail, as has been past practice.
Jen Miller of District V also applied for a one day wine and malt liquor license for a Spring Soiree set for Saturday, March 1 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. as an open house event for the store, Customers will not be able to walk around the store or outside with drinks.
The wine and beer and entertainment licenses were unanimously approved by the Select Board for the events.