Town of Auburn

Town of Auburn Ballot
Annual election May 18, 2021
On Tuesday, May 18, 2021 at eight o’clock AM to elect by Official Ballot the following Town Officers and Committees for the following terms of offices as provided by the Charter, March 10, 1969, under General Laws, Chapter 43B Section (9c).
One Housing Authority for Five Years
Two Library Trustees, Auburn Free Public Library for Three Years
One Moderator for One Year
Two School Committee Members for Three Years
Two Board of Selectmen Members for Three Years
Town meeting members
Precinct One - 8 to be elected for Three Years
Precinct Two - 8 to be elected for Three Years; 1 to be elected for One year unexpired term
Precinct Three - 8 to be elected for Three Years; 1 to be elected for One year unexpired term 2 to be elected for Two year unexpired term.
Precinct Four - 8 to be elected forThree Years
Precinct Five - 8 to be elected for Three Years; 3 to be elected for One year unexpired term
2021 Annual Town Election
Information and Calendar
Tuesday, May 4 - Annual Town Meeting - High School Auditorium
Tuesday, May 18 - Annual Town Election-Precincts 1,2,3,4 & 5 Auburn High School Gym
Nomination papers
Tuesday, March 30, 5:00 PM last day for candidates to file nomination papers with the board of registrars
Thursday, April 15, 5:00 PM Last day for filing objection/withdrawals
Wednesday, April 28, 8 AM - 8 PM- Last day to register to vote
Monday, May 10, 4:00 PM Campaign Finance Reports (Town-wide only) 8 day report
Thursday, June 17, 4:00 PM Campaign Finance Reports Due 30 day report
Nomination papers - number of signatures required
Town-wide Office - Minimum of 50 voters of the town. No more than four blank nomination papers issued
Town Meeting member - Minimum of 10 voters of the precinct in which the candidate resides. No more than one blank nomination paper issued
Incumbent Town Meeting Members - Last day to notify the Town Clerk in writing they wish to be on the ballot, is Tuesday, March 23.
Auburn residents 18 years of age by Election Day, May 18, 2021, or older may register to vote in the Town Clerk’s office. A resident may register to vote by mail, in person or online ; the mail-in form must be postmarked on or before April 28, 2021 for the voter to be eligible to vote at the annual town election. 16 and 17 years of age may also pre-register.