The Spooner House in Plymouth

By Thomas D’Agostino
When visiting Plymouth, Massachusetts, one finds there is so much to take in and so little time. One suggestion would be to stay the night and take a few tours, especially a ghost tour, for Plymouth has plenty of spirits to visit in the dark of night. One good example is the Spooner House on North Street. By day it is a museum but by night, it comes alive with those who once roamed its chambers in a mortal frame.
The Spooner House was built in 1749 and stayed occupied by five generations of the family. When James Spooner died in 1954, the house was passed over to the Plymouth Antiquarian Society where it became a museum. It is still furnished with Spooner family heirlooms for all to see. It is also furnished with at least one busy little ghost. Abigail Townesand was a little girl when the Spooner family took her in. Unfortunately, she died of an infection from an abscessed tooth. She still remains, either not knowing her time has long past, or to play with the visitors both day and night.
One group on a lantern light ghost tour encountered the little girl when it came up to them and touched one of the women on the back of the shoulder. The little girl in the white robe said, “I have to go now,” and melted away. The group ranted about how the special effects of the tour really had them fearful for a moment. That is when the guide reluctantly told the crew he does not have any little girl running around in a robe at 10:30 p.m. trying to scare people. Although it is a great idea, it is not quite legal. A member of another tour saw her standing by the corner of the house before vanishing.
Workmen came to the house to do restorations. The door was locked so they began knocking. Moments later a little girl let them in then ran off into another room. The workmen called the curator to let him know the door was locked but a little girl let them in. The curator stated in astonishment that there is no little girl in the house, as it is a museum and always locked. They then followed the direction of the little girl and were taken aback at the fact that she had entered a room where the only exit was in their eyesight, yet she was gone.
Lights appear in the upper windows as if someone was walking to and fro with a lantern or candle. One night, a woman sought to peek into the house while the inside shutters were ajar. The tour guide kindly aimed a flashlight through the crack. The shutters flew wide open and on the other side of the dark room was the distinct face of a woman staring back at them. She then vanished in the beam of light as the onlookers dispersed in fear. The building had been well secured and empty for the night.
Larry, one of the guides, had one experience with the ghost while explaining the house during a tour. As he stood at the door of the Spooner House in the alley, there began a small knocking sound from the other side of the door. Once again, the place had been secured for the night.
A visit to Plymouth is a must. It is classified as the birthplace of America with the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620. But it is after hours when the spirits begin their own pilgrimage.
Thomas D’Agostino and his wife Arlene Nicholson are seasoned paranormal investigators, authors, and co-organizers of Paranormal United Research Society. You can find out more about them by visiting