The Kennebunk Inn

By Thomas D’Agostino
The Kennebunk Inn has become known for its accommodations and cuisine although it is more known for its ghost.
Built as a private residence in 1799, it was sold to Benjamin Smith in 1804. In 1895 Dr. Ross purchased the building. He sold it in the 1920’s to Mr. Baitler who turned it into the Tavern Inn. Walter Day expanded the hostel to 16 rooms and renamed it the Kennebunk Inn. Around this time, Silas Perkins became the night clerk. He worked there for many years with his room just above an old staircase now leading to nowhere in the cellar next to where the bar is located.
In 1980, Arthur and Angela LeBlanc purchased the inn and expanded it to 22 rooms. It seems this renovation awoke the spirit of Mr. Perkins who began showing his protest of the change. A bartender, Pattie Farnsworth was transporting provisions from the basement when she felt the awareness of a strange presence. Intuitively the name “Cyrus” materialized in her mind. Soon after, ghostly antics became a common occurrence and Cyrus was given all the blame.
A waitress carrying a tray of glasses witnessed in shock as the wine glass in the center of the tray rose above the rest then flew across the room shattering against a wall. A bartender was hit on the side of the head by three of the wooden mugs that were on a shelf behind him just above the liquor bottles. The staff would set the tables in the dining room before closing only to discover the next morning, napkins and silverware of the on the floor or in disarray. Chairs would be pushed out of place as if someone had finished their spectral cuisine, leaving cleanup to the morning crew. Bottles are often knocked over and moans from the basement seem to be common haunts of the inn.
In Room 17, an employee cleaning the room unplugged the television to move it. A few moments later, the TV turned on by itself- unplugged!
Salem author Robert Ellis Cahill and a few of his friends once booked an overnight stay at the inn. Although he experienced nothing unusual, his friend in another room was bothered all night by an unearthly moaning.
One day a man came to the inn and began reminiscing of how he had lived there as a child with his grandfather. The conversation between the man and staff soon turned to the place being haunted by a man they call Cyrus. That is when the truth of the history came out about his relative, Silas Perkins who had died there and dearly loved the inn in life. Apparently, in death as well. Silas left his shift one night and while crossing the street, suffered a heart attack. He was brought to Room 11 where he expired shortly after.
Arlene and I stayed at the inn and visited frequently while in Kennebunk. Nothing ever transpired in front of us that would be convincing but staff and innkeepers had plenty to tell. A few employees had some tales to share of napkins being lifted and dropped by unseen hands and footsteps ascending the stairs from an invisible source even when they are watching the staircase.
Activity in the bar is still a thrill to patrons either stopping to wet their whistle or partake in one of the delicious selections from the kitchen. Sounds of someone walking around in empty rooms are a regular part of the enchantment of the inn. We talked to the new bartender and a few staff members. The staff claimed that some still hear old Cyrus making his nightly rounds in the otherwise empty bedchambers upstairs. Particularly Room 11.
Thomas D’Agostino and his wife Arlene Nicholson are seasoned paranormal investigators, authors, and co-organizers of Paranormal United Research Society. You can find out more about them by visiting