Nine is the new eighteen at Uxbridge Senior Center 15th golf outing
Sep 08, 2021 03:17PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Katie Esposito and Russ Rosborough enjoy a moment at the last Uxbridge Senior Center golf outing.
The 15th annual Uxbridge Senior Center Golf outing, sponsored by the Uxbridge Elderly Connection, features what is now regaled as “nine is the new eighteen.”
On Monday, October 18, the golf outing will be held at Whitinsville Golf Club in Whitinsville, starting at noon with a shotgun start.
Whitinsville Golf Club was recently named the second best 9-hole golf course in the world by and is regarded among the top courses in Massachusetts.
Teams of four may sign up to play for $100 per golfer for nine holes, which includes cart and buffet supper. Golfers may contact Russ Rosborough at 508-579-5983 or Karen Beane at 508 769-3816. A full sponsorship may be purchased for $600 which includes fees for four golfers, carts and supper, plus tee sign with additional acknowledgement in press and print matter.
Special events at the golf outing include two closest to the pin prizes, longest drive, team prizes, individual prizes and more. The number of teams is limited to 14 on October 18, so don’t hesitate to sign up early. Non-golfers may join in the fun for $30 for buffet only at about 3:30 p.m.
Local businesses and community members may support the event by purchasing a tee sign, making a donation or donating a basket or gift item. Tee signs go for $100 and are a mainstay of this important fundraiser which benefits the Uxbridge Senior Center in its efforts to provide numerous services, education, nutrition, medical transportation and socialization for our Uxbridge seniors.
Forms for golfers and donors also can be obtained at the Uxbridge Senior Center between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. or contact Cathy Thornton at [email protected] or Phyllis Dunn at [email protected], regarding tee signs, gifts or donations. Checks may be mailed to Uxbridge Elderly Connection, Inc., P.O. Box 215, Uxbridge, MA 01569.
Much praise for the staff of the center, under the leadership of Director Lisa Bernard, which has succeeded at keeping services going, while following required protocols during the pandemic, beyond what could be reasonably expected.
The Uxbridge Elderly Connection, Inc., is a non-profit 501 c 3 organization and donations are deductible to the extent allowed by law. The Board of Directors includes Russ Rosborough, President, Phyllis Dunn, Vice President; Cathy Thornton, Secretary; Marianne Shanley, Treasurer; Donna Oncay, Karen Sherlock, Karen Beane, Sharon Emerick, and Peggy Stewart. Its mission is to support the Uxbridge Senior Center and to fulfill some of its needs not provided for by its municipal budget.