Dudley Womans Club fall meet and greet

Members Diane Perry, Madeline Pina, Maryellen Watson
Recently, the DWC met at Woodstock’s Roseland Park to kickoff its 14th year. Elaine Gould, founder and former president presented a donation from friends and family in celebration of her birthday and 60th wedding anniversary. Pat Bullen won the September basket raffle. The upcoming club year’s monthly meeting agendas, giving projects and 2021-2022 fundraisers were highlighted. New members were welcomed and all members celebrated the beginning of another wonderful year.
Dudley Womans Club October meeting
Dudley Womans Club October meeting
Bring a friend and celebrate the continuation of our fourteenth year. The Dudley Woman’s Club (DWC), formed in 2008 by a handful of women remains committed to the betterment of our communities.
Through its volunteer services, the DWC supports many local charities, provides services to local veterans and local needy children.
Monthly club meetings provide members with social time as well as enrichment programs.
Please join us for our October 2021 meeting, as we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Del Bachand of Pinkhippie.org will share information about Knitted Knockers and other BCA programs. Meeting starts with social time at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, October 14, in the Senior Center of the Dudley Town Hall. Meeting begins at 7 p.m.
For the DWC October giving project members are asked to donate gently used bras for the “Bra Recycler.” In addition, bring your already bejeweled and bedazzled bras to model your creations for our members and guests to vote for “Best in Show!”
For more information please email [email protected] or visit our website: http://DudleyWomansClub.org. Come join us, bring a friend, get involved and celebrate our 14th club year.
Nancy Vajcove