Halloween happenings in Sutton Center
Sep 21, 2021 01:42PM ● By Chuck Tashjian
Jack-o-lantern photo by April Eaton Brown.
The Sutton Historical Society and The Sutton Fourth Committee are partnering to bring the community a Halloween event on the Common.
The Sutton Fourth Committee will be hosting a jack-o-lantern display and contest on the Sutton Town Common from Friday, October 29, through Sunday, October 31. For a fee of $5 per entered pumpkin and registration at go.rallyup.com/suttonpumpkins2021, participants can reserve a spot for their carved pumpkin. All pumpkins must be dropped off on the Sutton Town Common on October 29 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. The Sutton Fourth Committee will provide LED lights for the pumpkins, no candles required. Pumpkins will be displayed on the Sutton Town Common for two days leading up to Halloween.
The Sutton Fourth Committee will choose the top three pumpkins with awards for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All proceeds go directly to The Sutton Fourth to help fund our next Fourth of July Celebration. Questions regarding this event can be submitted at the aforementioned website.
Let’s light up Sutton Center with an amazing nighttime display of creatively carved jack-o-lanterns.
To compliment this festive display, the Sutton Historical Society will be hosting a Sutton Town Cemetery nighttime tour on Saturday, October 30, from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Members of the Sutton Historical Society have been diligently cleaning, restoring, and repairing grave markers in this historic cemetery, located at 4 Uxbridge Road, since 2019. This initial cemetery restoration project blossomed into a partnership with the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor, has included several local Eagle Scout projects, and has expanded to include other cemeteries in town. During this process, several previously unrecognized veterans have been discovered, a crypt was rebuilt, and much history has been discovered. The Society members are eager to share the stories of the famous and not-so famous individuals interred in this historic cemetery. This event is open to Society members as well as the general public of all ages. Questions can be directed to [email protected]
Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 30, from 6 pm – 8 pm, to join your neighbors for a small-town Halloween event which may include a few surprises.