Community Harvest Project hosts 15th annual Harvest Home Fall Festival and 5K November 7

GRAFTON - Community Harvest Project (CHP) will be holding it’s 15th annual Harvest Home Fall Festival AND 5K on Sunday, November 7. This year’s festival will feature in-person and online aspects including a 5K fun run, an online auction, good food and drink, kids activities, a scarecrow contest, pumpkin trebuchets, apple cannons, and a live stream of the 1 pm Patriots game - fun for the whole community. The online auction will feature a mix of items and services from local businesses and community members. The auction will open Sunday, October 31, and will close on Sunday, November 7. The festival will celebrate another year of successful volunteer farming for hunger relief and put the farm to rest for the winter. Registration for the 5K and links to the auction can be found on the CHP facebook page and website. Admission for the festival is $10 per adult; kids under 5 are free. All proceeds from this event will support Community Harvest Project’s mission to engage and educate volunteers to grow fruits and vegetables for hunger relief.
Visit for more information. Please contact MaryHope Gardner at [email protected] with questions.