Young historian displayed his collection for students

John Hughes, a 24 year old Webster man with a keen interest in World War 1, maintains an extensive collection of militaria that includes a wide assortment of uniforms, insignia and bayonets, and of all things, an actual stretcher.

Helmets with holes, cartridge belts and gas masks received plenty of attention as did the records, rosters and war stories of the soldiers of long ago, when the youthful collector displayed his treasures. Young Mr. Hughes does not just collect, he knows his subject well, and his expertise provided clear answers to questions from the curious students who walked the short distance from All Saints Academy to the Veterans Home to view the artifacts recently.

Social Studies Director Sarah Ramsey and teacher Linda Oakley accompanied the 7th-8th grade class for the visual history lesson about a War of 100 years ago, on display in a one hundred fifty year old building. An observer might have noted that much like the Doughboys in the trenches, the youngsters went ‘over the top’ in their assessment of the Hughes Exhibit.