Manchaug Pond Foundation spring clean-up

SUTTON/DOUGLAS - The Manchaug Pond Foundation will be holding their Spring Clean Up of scenic Manchaug Pond on Saturday, April 23. Volunteers are invited to join members and Friends of the Manchaug Pond Foundation in cleaning up Manchaug Pond and its watershed. Volunteers with boats are also welcome to help clean up coves. Volunteer time will support the MPF’s third s319 Non-point Source Pollution Grant requirements which was awarded in the fall of 2020 by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection.
The effort is scheduled to take place Saturday, April 23, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, with volunteers meeting at the state public access boat ramp on Torrey Road in Sutton. Everyone will hit the pavement with garbage bags in hand to clean the roadsides, shoreline, and boat ramp - all areas within the Manchaug Pond watershed and volunteers are not required to stay for the duration of the clean up. Good company, beautiful scenery, safety vests, rubber gloves, and garbage bags will be provided.
Rain date will be Sunday, April 24, and the rain date notice will be posted on the Manchaug Pond Foundation’s Facebook page and website.
The Manchaug Pond Foundation’s educational events look to improve the water quality of the picturesque 380 acre community lake, which lies within Douglas and Sutton, through the education of the many users and watershed residents. Educational information on residential Low Impact Development (LID) techniques such as landscaping with buffer zones and rain gardens to limit runoff of fertilizer nutrients are available on the Foundation’s website. Educational materials have been made possible by the MPF’s previous two water quality grants awarded by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. For more information visit