Paws Corner - Roommate Stuck With Unwanted Kitten

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: The local shelter in our college town does not allow college students to adopt pets. However, my roommate managed to get around the rule by using her boyfriend’s address, and she brought a kitten into our dorm. I told her to take it back, as pets are not allowed in the dorm (except for service animals). She ignored me. Two weeks later, she dropped out of school and moved in with her boyfriend, leaving behind most of her stuff -- and the kitten! If I tell our R.A. I could get in trouble. What can I do? I don’t want anyone to know what college I’m at, so sign me -- Beth in Boston
DEAR BETH: Honesty is the best policy here, and the welfare of the kitten is at stake. Contact the shelter right away. Explain what happened with your roommate, that you’re caring for the kitten as she’s abandoned it, but that you aren’t allowed to keep it.
Next, tell your R.A. what happened. Call your parents, too, so they’re aware of the problem and will support you if there’s an issue with the school.
Your roommate used either her name or her boyfriend’s name and his address. The shelter will have this on file, so they can verify that you’re not the one who’s responsible for the kitten.
They’ll give you instructions on how to bring the kitten back and surrender it to them. If there’s a surrender fee, they should bill the boyfriend and your ex-roommate. Likewise, any penalties assessed by the college should fall on your ex-roommate.
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