Charlton’s Old Home Day offers new twists yet again

Vendors set up on the Charlton Town Common turn part of Old Home Day into a veritable marketplace.
While there are many fairs and festivals in South Country and Central Massachusetts in the fall, none are quite so unique in ushering in autumn than Old Home Day in the town of Charlton.
A tradition, Old Home Day in Charlton will take place on Labor Day weekend, boasting almost continuous entertainment from an opening concert to closing fireworks. Old Home Day begins at 7:00 p.m. Saturday, September 3rd on Masonic Home Road with dancing in the street to live performance by Rick Swensen and Mondo Soul. The night sky will be lit with fireworks following the show.
Sunday events include a 4:00 p.m. concert featuring Ernest Tremblay and the New Bay Colony Band at the Overlook Tower on the Masonic Health Center’s campus.
The children’s soap box derby at 7:00 a.m. on Monday is the starting line for the daylong celebration with dozens of happenings for all ages in and around the Town Common.
The morning will soar to new heights this year with the addition of a hot air balloon ride. There will be the annual art exhibition at Town Hall, in which the Charlton Cultural Council displays more than one hundred fine works in various formats by local arts. The Garden Club flower show in the shaded Federated Church basement showcases dozens of fresh flower arrangements. Live entertainment ramps up at 11:00 a.m. on the main stage located in front of the library with community karaoke.
What makes Old Home Day stand out is the rich variety of activities associated with the event. The 55th annual Charlton Old Home Day Road Race, starting and finishing in front of the Charlton Public Library on Main Street, is one of these.
Camosse Masonry was recently recognized for its continued support of the race, as were Roger Williams Park’s Jack O’Lantern Spectacular, MTD Micro Molding, RaceWire, Charlton Optical, Ronnie’s Seafood, the Daniel Morrill Funeral Home and Diane Dabrowski of ERA Key Realty Services—for instance—for their sponsorship of this year’s race.
Back this year too is the OHD Kids Fun Run. This year the Charlton PTO is co-sponsoring that event with the town’s newest business venture, CrossFit Charlton.
Established in 1897 as a social gathering, Old Home Day brings friends, neighbors, visitors and family together, as it has for more than one hundred twenty years.