BVT Athletic Department to Hold Benefit Yard Sale
Sep 23, 2022 12:12PM ● By Kim Vasseur
UPTON – The Blackstone Valley Tech Athletic Department will host a large Yard Sale on Saturday, October 1st, in the school's parking lot at 65 Pleasant Street in Upton. The rain or shine event is open to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Support the BVT Athletic Department by selling your merchandise as a vendor or stopping by to search for a treasure.
Are you interested in participating as a vendor? Don't delay — reserve your space today. Vendor space is $30.00 for a 9-foot designated area, and a 6-foot table with two chairs is available for a $10.00 rental fee. Your registration and rental cost will support the BVT Athletic Department. The vendor registration form must be completed and returned along with payment to BVT Athletic Department, 65 Pleasant Street, Upton, MA 01568, before the yard sale.
For additional information and to register online as a vendor, please visit the school website at: