A Walk in the Park—and at Uxbridge Town Meeting?

Tim and Kristina Johnson on the front porch of the Zadock (Taft) House at 115 So. Main St. in Uxbridge. The home was one of four vintage properties on exhibit for “A Walk in the Park,” all with unique individual characteristics.
An impressive turnout for the Uxbridge Historic District Commission’s “A Walk in the Park” spring house tour despite inclement weather gave UHDC Chair Jane Keegan every reason to believe voters at Town Meeting would approve passage of an article expanding the historic district for the first time since 2004.
A vote—a second attempt to get this done—was to be taken on May 9th.
A Walk in the Park occurred on Sunday afternoon, April 30th, despite inclement weather, and was “a blast” according to Peter Frabotta III, who owns 46 Capron St.—“Barbara’s Blue House.” The residence is named for his mother in celebration of her favorite color and has been in the family since 1968.
Tim Johnson, who owns the Zadock (Taft) House at 115 So. Main St. with his wife Kristina, agreed. They have big plans for the home, one of the town’s oldest, dating to the 1700s.
“It went great!” Mr. Johnson said. “We had over seventy-five guests come in!”
Four properties were open to the public for the event. The Donaldson home at 35 Capron St. and “the Beane Compound” at 236 Mendon St. (the former “Keegan House”) were the others.
“We had people from all over the Valley,” Mr. Frabotta said. He was ecstatic with the results and delighted with the chance to show off all of his decorating touches.
“Close to two hundred. People who knew my parents,” Mr. Frabotta said.
Ms. Keegan could not have been happier.
“Remarks during the event were super positive so we can only hope the excitement generated will translate to attendance at TM” for the vote, she said. “Crossing fingers and cautiously optimistic for the 9th.
“In spite of the ‘misty’ Sunday we had more than one hundred fifty people driving, walking or riding the Senior Center bus! From what I hear from others, reports on social media were ‘glowing.’ Certainly those I spoke with that day expressed positive thoughts and all were encouraged to attend TM. I am what they call ‘cautiously optimistic.’ We have unanimous support from [the] FinCom and Planning Board (go figure) while the BOS voted the opposite (go figure).”
Contact Rod Lee at [email protected] or 774-232-2999.