Oxford Schools Develop Improvement Plan for Students, Parents, and Staff

Fire Science Students with Instructor, Jon Belanger
By Janet Stoica
“It’s all about our students,” said Michael Lucas, Oxford School Superintendent, “we have met with our parents and staff and our focus is on our kids from Pre-K to Grade 12. We want to make their education here the best possible experience. We’ve created a District Improvement Plan and have decided, as a team, to better publicize our programs. We want kids to stay in our town’s school system.”

Certified Nursing Assistant Students with Instructor, Gerri-Lynn Szamocki, School Nurse
The District Improvement Plan states that the Oxford Public Schools will provide the best quality education for each child by building rapport with all parents, teachers, students, and families including implementing inclusive practices in all Tier 1 classrooms (grade level standards); developing strong student-centered practices to include all learners; and supporting a Pre-K to Fourth Grade Tier 2 and 3 System (more intense education beyond core reading programs for students who did not make adequate progress in the general classroom); and building a 5-12 tiered system (more focused instruction and intervention).
Teaching staff will use a variety of instructional strategies to improve student engagement, attendance, ninth-grade passing rates, retention, and achievement as evidenced by a self-reported survey and/or observational data. With annual reviews of technology, curriculum, textbooks, and supplies focusing on the results and successes of Oxford students the school system hopes to ad dress the needs of all students.
“This is a team effort,” stated Mr. Lucas, “we want to provide the best quality education for each child. Building rapport with all parents and students is essential to our vision and mission statement.”
Mr. Lucas began his career as a middle and high school teacher in Sturbridge’s school system eventually becoming a school principal. He applied for and accepted his current position in 2021. “Our team has worked really hard for the past few years that I’ve been here. Last spring, we saw a 3.9% budget increase voted on by our Oxford residents. Recently, the town passed funding for $8-10 million of repair work for our school building improvements. Our residents see the results of our teamwork and how hard we are trying. Our PTO is incredibly supportive.”
Tara Trainor has been the school’s Curriculum Director since July 2021. Her background includes being a Special Education Teacher for three years with classroom teaching experience of 18 years. She has also worked for the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education. Her goals are part of the District Improvement Plan which has been showing good results for students, parents, and teachers.
As the school year progresses and results are monitored, additional reports will be provided to parents, students, and staff. Goals are high and results are promising.