Dudley Senior Center March calendar
Dudley Senior Center packs March calendar with exciting programs and events
The Dudley Senior Center is open to all seniors. It is located in the Dudley Municipal Complex, 71 West Main Street. Seniors are always welcome to attend any of our programs and events no matter they you live! Please just a reminder to RSVP for any special events.
Dudley Senior Center hours are 10:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Seniors are welcome to drop in for self-directed activities, cards, puzzles, movies, knitting or just to hang out with friends.
Special Events at the Dudley Senior Center for March 2024
Wednesday, March 13: Is Brown Bag Lunch day with your choice of corned beef or chicken breast sandwich - $3 per person. Reservations are required, please call or sign up in the senior center.
Thursday, March 14: Chair Hip Hop dancing in your chair following Tri-Valley lunch. Please call 508-949-3845 if you would like to have a Tri-Valley lunch ordered for you.
Thursday, March 21: Memory Café from 12 - 2 p.m. - cost $5 per person for Irish Shepherd’s Pie with live entertainment by Roger Tincknell, who will lead us in singing songs from Ireland to America-Irish and all- American songs with ballads and instrumentals. Reservations are required, please call or sign up in the senior center.
Wednesday, March 27: A Potluck Lunch at 12 p.m. will be a turkey dinner served with all the fixings. Cost is $5 per person. Reservations are required, please call or sign up in the senior center.
Ongoing activities at Dudley Senior Center:
Tri-Valley Congregate lunches are served on Mondays and Thursdays at 11:45 a.m. Reservations for lunch must be made two days in advance by calling and leaving a message at 508-949-8015. A $3 donation is appreciated.
Tuesdays at 1 p.m. – Pitch League
Wednesdays at 1 p.m. – The Dudley Senior Women’s Knitting group. Come join us if you’re interested in creating groovy knitting projects, which help to support our community.
Please call the Senior Center at 508-949-8015 and leave a message or email at [email protected] for any of these Special Events so we have an accurate count.
Senior Center Office Hours are 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays. We are always open to new ideas for programs/events. Come and share!