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The Yankee Express

Douglas Sense of Community Is Strong

Chris Staruk, photo submitted

By Lynn Paresky
Douglas Common Preservation Society, Inc.

One of the things that makes living in a small town like Douglas so special is the strong sense of community displayed by its residents.  Three local business owners, Matt Hadley of Hadley Electric, Chris Staruk of Staruk Trucking and Excavation, and Ryan Leshinski of Clear Factor Co., all come to mind as shining examples while supporting the Douglas Common Preservation Society, Inc.
When the Douglas Common Preservation Society, Inc., a Douglas-based nonprofit organization, hired Matt Hadley to do an electrical job at the Common, Matt offered his labor as a donation, greatly reducing the cost to the Society.  Between his donation and the donations of many others in the community who responded to the Society’s Spring Fund Drive, this project was able to be completed this year.  The project entailed running the electrical wire in piping underground, installation of hardwired LED spotlights to illuminate the Soldiers Monument as well as the flag, and installation of new plugs and timers.
When discussing his quote for the project, Matt said “I live in Douglas and would like to do something to benefit our town.”  His kindness and generosity was a huge help to us and shows the sense of community that makes Douglas a special place to live.
Local business owner, Chris Staruk of Staruk Trucking and Excavation, is another shining example.  Last year when the Society reached out to the community to ask for help getting mulch for the Common gardens, Chris came forward and offered his help.  And he helped in a huge way, donating and delivering 25+ yards of hemlock mulch to be spread in all the Common garden beds.  
Chris said, “I want to give back by helping out with my donation.” 
This past spring the Society contacted Chris to see if he would be willing to help out with mulch again this year, and he very generously supplied us with the 20 yards we needed to get the job done.  His continued kindness and generosity show the community spirit evident in Douglas.
Ryan Leshinski of Clear Factor Co. and Bright Factor, showed his willingness to support the community when he was hired by the Society to add the holiday lights to the trees and on the gazebo roof at the Common.  Ryan threw in more than $1,000 of extras beyond what we were able to pay for, saying “I want to do what I can to make this special.”  
With his help, our Common looks truly fabulous during the holidays.  Ryan extended his support this past spring to include power washing the roof and floor of the gazebo at no expense to the Society.  His kindness and generosity will continue as we move forward with preparations for the fantastic holiday lights later this year.
Comprised completely of volunteers, The Douglas Common Preservation Society itself is another example of people from the community working together to benefit the town by beautifying and maintaining the town-owned Douglas Common.  Only with funding from the community is the Society able to offer the seasonal beauty at the Common each year, finishing up the year with the magical holiday lights and decorations.  If you would like to support our efforts, please send your tax-deductible donation to Douglas Common Preservation Society, Inc., 76 NW Main St., Douglas, MA  01516.  We will be acknowledging all donors on the banner posted in December.  Memorial Donations will also be acknowledged, so please include your Memorial Message as well.  Together we can show the sense of community that makes Douglas such a special Town.